2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added


Saw on twitter, any word on these?
Dang, my 510s are kinda snug. For the wide footers out there, when you size up for dunk highs do they run longer lengthwise? For reference I am a 12 for Jordans, 12 for ZX Flux and 12.5 for ATC II. My two dunks (Blue Ox and 510s) are 12 and the only next size is 13. Thanks in advance for any responses!
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Dang, my 510s are kinda snug. For the wide footers out there, when you size up for dunk highs do they run longer lengthwise? For reference I am a 12 for Jordans, 12 for ZX Flux and 12.5 for ATC II. My two dunks (Blue Ox and 510s) are 12 and the only next size is 13.
Lemme get this straight...you're asking if a size 12 and size 13 are identical in length?
Lemme get this straight...you're asking if a size 12 and size 13 are identical in length?

Sorry for the weird wording. I guess i am asking is that will 13 help with the snug issue at all or will they just get longer?
The amount of corny pictures that will come with those graphic papers will be strong.
I hope more people take pics of the pair of shoes on their feet while bending over to show they are holding another pair of shoes that resemble the ones on feet. That just screams originality and taste.
I hope more people take pics of the pair of shoes on their feet while bending over to show they are holding another pair of shoes that resemble the ones on feet. That just screams originality and taste.
They'll bend over holding the compositions, crayolas, elmer glues and all that good stuff lol
More power to ya. I'm amazed you can pull that off in college. I have a hard time justifying a $150 shoe during the school year.
I hear ya, I'm in the same boat, I've really slowed down on buying shoes this year. I've actually sold the same amount of pairs this year, 4, that I've bought this year (don't worry y'all, the pairs I sold were all Jordan's).

You guys may remember last month I posted that @bballermarkie graciously gifted me the UCS pullover when I was in Boston...when I got home from vacation I posted on Facebook that I was now actively looking for the shoes to match. The very same day byukid byukid hit me up offering a DS pair for retail. Got them today, and immediately put the stock laces from the St. Paddy's Day highs in them, they're a dead ringer match for the Swoosh and outsole.
Congrats bro, nice pickup! Super cool of him to hook you up too! I'm still low key looking for a pair of the black UCS for a decent price, haven't seen one though, although I don't look very often either :lol: . I might just have to settle for the grey pair, they're much cheaper.
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Those Graph Papers, oh my! I like them, I wonder if they have anything to do with a Back-to-School pack?

They have just enough color and pattern to break up the shoe and loving that blue (if it is an accurate representation). Hopefully these drop locally.
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