2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

there have been a TON during the Teal Box era...Vertical Urge, Anonymous, X-Styles, Pit Crew, MIA, Reign...i’m sure there are others.
I didn’t know MIA closed. That sucks. I grabbed two pairs of their collab because I liked them. I still have a pair ds sitting. RIP! I knew we lost VU and Anonymous.

New pickup
These were the first pair of Sbs I've ever bought myself, was 15 at the time and saved up $200 or so to get them off N-Sb...good times.
Had a lengthy talk with my local shop manager (might be part owner... not 100% on that)
Discussed how the recent hype is affecting them
Obv more people in store, he’s been turning down offers to sell early
He wants to keep it as fair as possible for everyone (I just thought he was being a **** to me) and giving out almost no info before release
He was soured to hear the resellers that camped for the pandas were being a little aggressive towards people walking up telling them there were only 5-7 pairs (with 9 people in line) and saying people that were in cars were also in line
When I drove by the morning of it was like 40 deep for 15 pairs
He’s trying not to do raffles but if that mess happens again he will
I suggested making people do a kick flip but he didn’t want to alienate the people that can’t skate
I’m just glad he’s legit being as fair as possible and not upcharging and backdooring most pairs
Unlike some other shop nearby that raffles (purchased tickets raffles) AND upcharges on top of that
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