2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added


Legit screamed
Honestly I forgot about the release...was in the middle of teaching. Would've struck out regardless. How bad is resell looking?
all winners eat a ****.

i dont know why the dunk losses trigger me.

Because 60% of the people on SNKRS trying to buy them nowadays are tweens who have been Dunk fans since their idol Travis Scott started wearing SBs and wouldn't have thought twice about buying before then.
Double L on SNKRS between my account and the wife's. Was pretty sure it'd let her hit since it's her birthday, but nope. It's a cold SNKRS world out there.

I wouldn't mind paying resell for these but I learned my lesson with the St Johns. I bought them for 300 on SX and when I received them I knew I messed up.. the build quality was awful so I moved them on for 400 and kept it moving. Dunks for 100 are great but at 250+ it's a definite no. Grats to the Ws in here, rock em!
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