2025 NBA Draft Thread

:lol: Kevin Love's brother was an insufferable douche. :lol: :smh:
lamfao! Was he really?!?
I am big on Cam this draft, actually wouldn't mind the Knicks moving down the draft and grabbing him. My boy loves Culver, just don't see him being a stud. The kid is talented AF tho
I said his family must be poor, because I can’t think of any good reason for someone like him to skip out on college. It hasn’t benefited anyone to this day
A good reason is being an elite level basketball player and wanting to be compensated for your skills. You don't have to be poor to want to hone your craft against other professionals and be fairly compensated for that. It's literally the capitalistic ideals that we support in every single other aspect of life aside from basketball for some reason.

And bringing up this tiny sample size of guys who have done it unsuccessfully isn't conclusive one way or another.

-Jeremy Tyler

Guys had various reasons for leaving, different maturity and talent levels and different glaring weaknesses. Making a sweeping generalization on kids bypassing college ball to play overseas based on this is pretty silly.

I totally forgot K. Love's bro used to come on here once in a blue moon and drop little nuggets.

What was his username again?
Dude used to have full stories :lol:

Wasn't there a dude on here posing as Malik Story and Brandon Jennings as well?
Dude used to have full stories :lol:

Wasn't there a dude on here posing as Malik Story and Brandon Jennings as well?


That person still posts here regularly but you ain't hear that from me.
There is a running myth that skipping college will develop you faster.

If you’re trash you’ll always be trash. The best development happens in the NBA period. Unless you’re a big, very few cases (if any) support someone going overseas.

Prospects go overseas because their lives are controlled by their fathers (Lavar), they’re dumb *** rocks (can’t meet below average SAT/ACT scores) or their family is poor (Mudiay). There is no other reason to go there as a teenager.

Terrible takes man. Sit this one out
I know the NBL is struggling for money so they’re trying new avenues. The best coaches there want to leave NZ since they aren’t getting paid over there.
That’s like judging the future of aviation on the first two attempts to get a rig off the ground. Conversation needs to happen after a good amount have tried it.

Hope the G league can somehow be implemented into this. Going overseas shouldn’t be the move for a teenager.
What's wrong with going to a beautiful English-speaking country and making good money for a year as opposed to ending up in Lawrence, Kansas or Sioux Falls and not making as much?

He'll be making ~5 mill a year in 2020 regardless if he went overseas or to Lawrence, Kansas.

But I thought it wasn't about the money. I thought he's going there for developmental reasons and "honing" his craft.
I don't believe the NBA wants the G-League to be a farm system like the MLB does with theirs.

Is there any path in American hoops for what we see overseas with kids getting drafted/signed early on and moving into "academies" or professional development-style programs?

I just don't think they wanna be in that business.
He'll be making ~5 mill a year in 2020 regardless if he went overseas or to Lawrence, Kansas.

But I thought it wasn't about the money. I thought he's going there for developmental reasons and "honing" his craft.
Basketball would be his only focus in Australia. He'd certainly be able to hone his craft there more so than if he were in college.
Basketball would be his only focus in Australia. He'd certainly be able to hone his craft there more so than if he were in college.

What league is he going to?
Has anyone there ever trained NBA players? Or any NBA prospects at all?
Are there any NBA players in that league who can give him some veteran advice?

The connections he can build at top college programs are far greater imo. There's a reason players love going to Duke.

There just hasnt been any success stories of college prospect guards going overseas to "develop" their game. He's following a flawed system. Nothing he's doing is innovative.
I honestly think he just didnt like the offers he got and didnt want to commit. So he chose this option. Hope it works out.
These kids grow up way too fast these days. He’s gonna hate his life there.

From first class flights, being a celebrity on campus, unlimited poonchang, forming life long friends to charter buses and grown men offering u cigarettes after a game before they go to the local brothel or home to their wives. He ain’t making no real connections there.

I don’t know how poor his family is, but is that chump change combined with that ****ty experience for a 18 year old really worth it? I don’t think so.

The end result (NBA) will be the same regardless of the route he chooses. This will never be a trend.
U wild overhyping that 8 month college experience :lol:
I’ll ride with this one.

For prospects who’ve made a decision similar, who has this benefited?

Bro...they were going to spend a maximum of 6 months in college. The first few summer/fall months just playing ball and partying. Then hoops thru the winter. That’s not missing out on much :lol:

BJ was a top 10 lottery pick. Got a bag before hitting the nba. Played 10 years in the league. Signed a contact that paid him $8 mil per year in his mid 20s. Earned over 40 mil playing basketball.

T Ferg was a 1st round pick...and is a starter in the league in his 2nd year. He too Will likely get better and see another contract.

Mudiay was a top 10 pick...got to get a mili overseas before he hit the league. And is set to hit free agency and continue his pro career.

Everybody isn’t meant to be an all star. Being a 10 year pro or something like that is winning. And if you can secure a pro contract worth 7 figures before you touch the nba....you do it.

I’d say these dudes benefited, and didn’t lose a thing by choosing to not go to school for a few months.
I'd say those dudes would be in the exact position (money and career wise) as they are in today if they went to college.

I just dont agree that you should go overseas to develop your game.
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