2025 NBA Draft Thread


:lol: :lol: wow. Fitting for Charlotte to draft him or Clarke :smh:
B Sox B Sox

Thoughts on tonight?

Any trades you see tonight?

Who do you see a team reach for?
Draft has a lot of guys that will be good role players. Just doesn't have the potential star-level talent that some of the last few drafts have had.

I think they'll be a lot of trades. Not sure exactly what though. Don't think #11 and RoCo is getting the Wolves up to #4.
I could see philly trying to snag 21 from OKC or 23 from Memphis. Not sure what it would take but I’m sure those early 2nd rounders they have would be in play.
Memphis is indeed looking to move up from 23 or move back. Not sure if anything happens, but just what I've been hearing.
Barrett and Ingram are really similar. Don't understand why NOLA would try to move up for him unless they plan on moving Ingram.
Langford/Clarke with the first

King/Ponds/Dortz with the second

Want more picks, and more than wistful hope that MIA won't do something stupid
I’m done pretending to guess how prospects are going to turn out. It’s a crapshoot every time. This could be a “bad draft” full of misses and solid role players at best or several all stars and surprises could come from it. Neither would be surprising based on what we’ve seen in the past decade.
Please don't trade the #2

Not #2. That's not even in consideration. If we were to trade #2, it would really have to make the team receiving #2 look bad. Meaning we would get a godfather offer. So, any other words, its not happening.

#23 is the one where there's potential to move up especially if we package Crowder/Korver with it.

Interesting. Chose Syracuse, then chose the G-League instead, then his advisors kept him out of playing in the G-League altogether. Essentially what a straight-out-HS prospect would be.

He received $1 million as an intern at New Balance while all this was going on. :lol:
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