
Originally Posted by arstyle27

Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Originally Posted by LamarOwnsem

Originally Posted by Digger85

have fun in front of those empty seats in american airlines arena
Lebron, Bosh, and Wade would sell that place out every night.
No they will not. The arena was virtually empty for the home opener after winning a mother !%%+#!@ championship 
. I lost all my respect for Heat "fans" after that.
Agreed. The Heat barely get 5,000 people for mid-week games. I can't believe players would wanna play in front of lame "fans" like that. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are a few die hard Heat fans that go back to the Glen Rice and Rony Seikley  days, but c'mon, for the most part, Miami fans are pathetic. And now they are rewarded with three of the top 10 players in the NBA.

*+%+ *+%+ Miami.

QFT !!!

this bull$#@! right here will make me root for the Knicks and the Lakers
I'm a NYer and I'm hoping he picks the Knicks, but I think having a 1 hour special
just to announce where he's going to play is kind of ridiculous. But we'll all have to
wait till 9PM to see where he's going.
Yo the only way we get Melo and Parker by 2011 is if we take a really bad (couple of) contract(s) by this season that'll come off the books next season and even then we'll probably have to trade draft picks, give away cash, clear the roster except for Bron, Amar'e, and Parker (maybe keep Gallo), and then sign Melo where we would basically be in the situation Miami is in now about to sign a bunch of vet minimum contracts for 1-2 years.


Forgot TP is a FA in 2011 too. Could sign him outright without a trade but we would still have to dump the roster by trading.
I didn't even have to be up this early, and I couldn't even sleep, I just said $*%! it and made some coffee...

gonna be a long day.
as reported by Forbes.com, LeBron's projected average earnings in Miami is almost $400,000,000 less than it is in New York.
yoo the knicks are being to quiet in the mix of all this, something is up......with that said *&@% Miami's "superteam". LeBron will be a New York Knickerbocker. have faith yall
Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

as reported by Forbes.com, LeBron's projected average earnings in Miami is almost $400,000,000 less than it is in New York.

No matter how much basketball means to you, no one should be ok with losing this much money.
*BREAKING NEWS* Modell's jumps the gun. Lebron "Knick" jerseys confirmed to be ready to ship from warehouse's for Friday. Mitchell Modell

Things these other "So Called Media Hounds" never look at. Mitchell Modell = Ceo Owner of Modell's & close friend of Jim Dolan.

Modell's is not wasting millions of dollars on Lebron Knick Jerseys for no reason. Mitchell Modell Bought 2 Million worth of MSG Stock Yesterday

While all mainstream "MEDIA" keep looking at the regular same old stuff , i dig deeper. **BREAKING NEWS** Modell's Has Lebron Knick Jerseys

Will any NTers in NYC be meeting up to watch this spectacle? I would like to come if so and need to figure out the rest of my day. Thanks.
HTTB sounds like he's gonna #!$+% out but I'll be down at a bar by MSG with a friend. Think JRS might be around too.
He's just saying MIA to get peoples hopes up

master showman.

ESPN goes nuts with this then at the very last minute, like every other highschool kid he picks up the Heat hat and throws it away for NY.

think about it. Why would he keep it quite for all this only to bust his load right before the big moment?

he wouldn't. It's all a part of the show. And dude is playing ESPN like a fiddle.
I'm gonna be on 29th at a meeting...hopefully I can shoot by the Garden at 9 and watch it....

If not, I'm gonna be at Negril Village on West 3rd to watch it.
According to multiple sources the Knicks will sign and trade David Lee to G.S for Randolph and Turiaf if they can't land LeBron

I love Randolph's upside....dude has the potential to do some great things in the league....
While I obviously am still hoping he comes here, regardless of the decision, I have lost all respect for this dude...Y'all will never catch me in the LeBron jersey.  He showed he only cares about his brand over everything else.  And we shouldn't be surprised.  In his first real interview in the league, dude says his goal was to become a global icon.  I guess we should have taken his word.
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