
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

I dont see why a Gallo, Wilson and Curry cant get done for melo or paul if those teams decide to trade them.

nobody likes us, they rather take kirk hinrich
A very very long but intresting read

[h1]The LeBron James Power Rankings, Version 2.0[/h1]
By: Christopher Reina
RealGM.com Writer


Read more: [url=http://www.realgm.com/src_feature_pieces/931/20100628/the_lebron_james_power_rankings_version_20/#ixzz0sNhaZFgu]http://www.realgm.com/src...ersion_20/#ixzz0sNhaZFgu[/url]

After so many months of debate, salary cap jockeying and rampant speculation, the Summer of 2010 has finally arrived.

Many are fatigued with all of it upon arrival, but there is no doubt the next few weeks will be fascinating, particularly once we know where LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh, Amare Stoudemire, Carlos Boozer and Joe Johnson will play for the next five to six years.

We will then be able to begin having a realistic set of exceptions on how the landscape of the NBA will look over the next four or five year window.

The Untouchables

30. Jazz: Utah is over the cap without even accounting for free agent Carlos Boozer, plus it might be the market LeBron is likely to find least appealing.

29. Pistons: It is somewhat ironic that the Pistons were once mentioned as a possible landing spot for LeBron James or Chris Bosh, because they practically are a mathematical impossibility now.

28. Pacers: Indiana is in a similar situation as the 02-03 Cavaliers, except they were unable to win the lottery with a transcendent superstar available. They also have over $60M in committed salary for the 10-11 season and no appealing sign-and-trade candidates except for Danny Granger.

27. Raptors: Not happening unless the Cavaliers are willing to take back Hedo Turkoglu and Jose Calderon. Cleveland is not that generous and LeBron wouldn't want to play in Toronto even if it is a world class cosmopolitan city.

26. Bobcats: Stephen Jackson very nearly became LeBron's teammate in Cleveland, so could it happen under Michael Jordan's ownership? The Bobcats don't have the cap space and would need to use Tyson Chandler's expiring contract.

25. Bucks: Scott Skiles and company gave the Hawks a surprisingly difficult seven-game series in the first round, but they do not have cap space and are also a small market club. The Bucks, similar to the team ranked first here, have an excellent point guard/big man core in Brandon Jennings and Andrew Bogut.

24. Grizzlies: Memphis had a surprisingly successful season, plus enough pieces to be competitive with big men like Zach Randolph and Marc Gasol, in addition to a second ISO scorer in O.J. Mayo. They could potentially get a deal together given their cap situation and Rudy Gay, but it is a difficult scenario to imagine having even the slimmest possibility of actually happening.

23. Nuggets: The Nuggets are in cap hell and would need the Cavaliers to be desperate enough to take back Kenyon Martin's expiring contract, plus Ty Lawson and another asset or two to make something happen.

For the sake of unrealistic dreaming, combining Carmelo Anthony and LeBron on the wings, with a big like Nene and another season or two of Chauncey Billups sounds like a team that would win immediately and win multiples.

The Impossibles

22. Hawks: I kept saying this season that if we mythically traded Joe Johnson for LeBron James, the Hawks would have an excellent chance of winning the title given the quality of bigs like Al Horford and Josh Smith, along with vets Mike Bibby and Jamal Crawford.

Cleveland and Atlanta would actually have to do a sign-and-trade of these two players for LeBron to end up with the Hawks.

21. Spurs: It would be difficult to find a coach/GM combo to trust more than Gregg Popovich and RC Buford, but the Spurs are over the cap and realistically don't have any pieces that could be converted into a sign-and-trade unless it was Tony Parker and change, though the Cavaliers could take on a bad contract if they tolerated one season of Richard Jefferson's bloated deal.

20. 76ers: The Sixers are well over the cap and would need to consolidate a few of their overlapping pieces to build a competitive team around LeBron.

But Philadelphia was fortunate to have the second overall pick in the draft and could send Evan Turner back to Ohio as quickly as he arrived in exchange for LeBron in a sign-and-trade that also included the necessary contracts to make a deal work.

19. Suns: A great NBA market, plus a few more seasons of Steve Nash and Grant Hill as elder statesmen, a scoring big in Amare Stoudemire and another athletic wing in Jason Richardson, but a frugal owner undoubtedly would scare off LeBron. Plus, the salaries for a trade don't really match.

18. Warriors: Even though Golden State did win a title in 74-75, they have been one of the most tortured franchises in the NBA ever since. Everyone knows how much a title would mean to this fan base by witnessing the Dallas upset in the first round of the 2007 Playoffs, plus the Warriors could have a billionaire owner in Larry Ellison within a few months and enough leftover assets to put together an attractive sign-and-trade for Cleveland to find acceptable. A nucleus of LeBron, Stephen Curry and Anthony Randolph has clear question marks, but could be a perfect enough blend of talent to be devastatingly good.

17. Celtics: The Celtics have moved up in the rankings because they potentially will have cap space this summer if Paul Pierce opts out where they can absorb some salary in a sign-and-trade.

16. Blazers: You have the Nike factor, the motivated billionaire factor, plus enough leftover assets to make a sign-and-trade a feasible scenario without gutting the roster. If Greg Oden had just played a completely healthy and dominant season, this could have been a possibility worth contemplating, but not at this stage.

Their long and constant pursuit of Chris Paul is a more winnable plan for the Blazers.

15. Wizards: Washington somewhat strangely made signing LeBron a little bit easier for the Bulls by absorbing Kirk Hinrich's contract and also ate into the cap space they had created for themselves by trading Antawn Jamison to Cleveland. If there is any team that has hurt the Cavaliers chances the worst, it has been the Wizards. Jamison didn't help Cleveland get better and the trade cost a pick, plus now the Bulls are even stronger.

There had been speculation of LeBron going to the Nets had they won the lottery and drafted John Wall, but that variable doesn't seem to have had any impact on Washington's chances with their own cap space.

14. Hornets: Chris Paul is one of the best five or six players in the game and would be a scary player to combine with LeBron and is one of the few players that could enhance him on the offensive end of the floor. The Hornets are over the cap, so they would have to send back the expiring contract of Peja Stojakovic and probably young talented players Darren Collison and Marcus Thornton to make it happen.

The backchannel William Wesley dealings is an attempt pair Paul with LeBron, but there is no chance the Hornets can afford this and I'm sure he isn't envisioning it being in New Orleans.

13. Magic: Orlando is trying to do something ambitious and I could see LeBron actually wanting to come to this team to join Dwight Howard, but they are almost completely strapped for tradable assets.

12. Rockets: Similar to the Blazers with Oden, if Yao Ming was coming off a healthy and productive season, then the Rockets would be in the conversation. They have a really nice collection of role players that have higher upsides than he's had with Cleveland, plus it's a great market and has no state income tax. The Rockets have a strong winning tradition, but it isn't an overwhelming one like the Lakers, Celtics or Bulls.

Houston has considered themselves to be a contender for a major free agent this summer in a sign-and-trade, but LeBron is more than a little too ambitious.

11. Wolves: David Kahn has the cap space to sign LeBron outright, plus he has a ton of assets in Al Jefferson, Kevin Love, Ricky Rubio, Jonny Flynn and now Wesley Johnson. Minnesota would have to do some rearranging of the deck, but it is a place where he would have a good chance of winning long-term if he didn't have any objections to the market.

The Improbables

10. Thunder: Joining Kevin Durant, Russell Westbrook, Serge Ibaka and a whole host of other quality role players would be a no brainer for the under the cap Thunder if they played in almost half of the other cities in the countries.

If LeBron cared about only winning titles, wouldn't he have to go to the Thunder? I think the only thing that would give him pause (under the assumption he doesn't care about the market) is the unproven history of their ownership. But realistically, I think having LeBron, Durant and Westbrook falls under the special circumstances of spending every dime it takes.

Sam Presti has used some of his cap space this summer already be completing lopsided trades and a deal would not be more difficult, but he still has enough assets where Cleveland would find it appealing.

9. Kings: Sacramento has the cap space, an ISO stud in Tyreke Evans, plus several effective bigs in Carl Landry, Jason Thompson and a potential All-Star big in DeMarcus Cousins. If they played somewhere else it would be more plausible, but if the market was too small for Chris Webber, than it also would be for LeBron.

With that said, the Kings have become the antichrist Thunder as I wrote in my Draft Grades article and what they end up doing over the next 380 days to build their core will be fascinating given their immense cap space for 2011.

8. Lakers: The Lakers have all the necessary ingredients to be a legitimate contender for LeBron; immediate success assured, a youngish second star to grow old with in Pau Gasol, a Hall of Fame coach if Phil Jackson, a huge market, the best stage in the NBA right now, a proven championship pedigree over several generations. Andrew Bynum undoubtedly would be the return for Cleveland, an excellent bailout plan for the Cavaliers to build around.

If Kobe Bryant has his choice in the matter, the Lakers would probably just acquire a point guard using the MLE, re-sign Derek Fisher and be done with it anyways without even making a single LeBron phone call.

7. Mavericks: The shrewdness of Mark Cuban's foresight to have that incredibly valuable Erick Dampier non-guaranteed contract should be taught in every class of NBA GM 101, but I don't think playing with his buddy Jason Kidd, Dirk Nowitzki, Caron Butler, a re-signed Brendan Haywood will be enough. The lure of playing half a dozen games per season in Cowboys Stadium is also at least a little enticing, but it is difficult to realistically see it happen. Plus, the Mavericks would be dependent on Cleveland to make a deal.

6. Clippers: The Clippers are a team I waver on in terms of their free agency power because they have the advantages of an attractive roster in Blake Griffin, Chris Kaman, Eric Gordon, Baron Davis, as well as Al-Farouq Aminu and Eric Bledsoe from the draft, plus they also have the cap space and the second biggest market in the country.

But these are Donald's Clippers and the David Geffen rumors appear to be just that. There is virtually no chance of LeBron handing over a big percentage of control in the prime years of his career to Donald Sterling.

Even though they will have the opportunity to make a pitch, they are an equivalent of a warmup act playing at 7:00 AM for a 10:00 PM show. They may as well be turning on their amps and playing in their parents' garage.

The Genuine Candidates

5. Nets: There have been teams going higher and lower around them, but New Jersey remains at No. 5 despite missing out on winning the lottery and the opportunity to draft John Wall. Realistically, the Nets are a better situation long-term for a ball dominant wing like LeBron with Derrick Favors instead of Wall.

The impact of Mikhail Prokhorov has already been significant as he flirted with throwing around ten-figure deals for a few rumored coaches.

If the Nets were already in Brooklyn, they would probably be the 1B team.

4. Cavaliers: The Cavaliers have the inertia and home state factor, which absolutely counts for a lot in this decision. LeBron must also surely trust Dan Gilbert's unwavering dedication to spending money by the truckload to bring in any player that could conceivably help their chances, but their core has proven to be underwhelming and is also aging.

Cleveland had a chance to have cap room for this coming summer, but went with the double-down strategy and it is difficult to see how they can get more than just incrementally better from year to year.

We all know it doesn't work this way, but if LeBron could be simply handed titles over the next half decade and he was also given his choice of where he would do it, I sincerely believe it would be in Cleveland. His inability to deliver a title must be frustrating, but I can't see him staying out of a sense of guilt.

3. Heat: The potential of creating an All-Star team in Miami with Wade and Bosh is undoubtedly alluring, but I don't see LeBron as being someone interested in doing things that way. Putting the three of them in such a way almost feels a little unfair and they would be forced to build the remainder of the team out of ring chashers; beating a team like that would he immensely satisfying for the remainder of the NBA.

LeBron also would be forced to deal with the question over who the alpha dog is between he and Dwyane Wade.

Another issue is playing in Miami; the Heat have a knowledgable and passionate fan base to be sure, but it isn't unfair to characterize the vibe in the arenas as being a little sleepy.

2. Knicks: If LeBron could play in any city beyond Cleveland, perhaps even including Cleveland, it would absolutely be New York. His obsession with the energy and culture of New York is palpable and is unlike anything we've witnessed from a star of his magnitude. I've heard from some people that LeBron's New York yearnings are at least somewhat contrived as a marketing ploy, but I have observed it to be genuine.

He knows the Knicks will spend as much as possible and give him every accommodation in the world, plus he will conceivably bring along Bosh, but how much trust does he have in Danilo Gallinari, Wilson Chandler, Toney Douglas and whatever they can get back for Eddy Curry's expiring contract at some point between now and the middle of February? Conceivably, that would eventually be enough for the Knicks to win a title(s), but LeBron fully knows now that there are no guarantees. The second superstar makes all the world of difference compared to his previous two seasons with the Cavaliers, but it could still not be enough firepower, depending on how other teams evolve and improve.

The Knicks are still the possibility I can envision the strongest for LeBron, but the smart money says it will be the team ranked right ahead of them. New York held the trump card over Chicago on the second max slot, but that has been erased by at least the Bulls.

1. Bulls: Chicago was ranked first in the previous edition of the rankings on the night Cleveland was eliminated from the playoffs and are now in an even better position following their trade of Kirk Hinrich and the No. 17 pick to the Wizards to create a substantial amount of additional cap space.

While they are not all the way there for two max contracts, it is now close enough where it doesn't even really matter and only need a move or two to get there.

The nucleus of Derrick Rose and Joakim Noah is excellent and Luol Deng is another solid complementary piece unless they move him for more cap space or for a floor spreading shooting guard to pair with LeBron on the wing.

Either Bosh or Amare or Johnson can now join LeBron and the potential starting five in Chicago would have three All-Stars and one near All-Star in Noah, which is about as good as we've ever seen in terms of the combination of star quality and depth of high-end talent.

Given the strength of their momentum, this feels like an eight-point lead for the Bulls with about four minutes remaining in the game.

The way I see it, only some wavering from Jerry Reinsdorf on a few tough questions from LeBron in regards to paying the luxury tax will keep him from signing with Chicago.

We know the Knicks, Mavericks and Cavaliers will pay the luxury tax without blinking, but we have yet to really see that from the Bulls. Michael Jordan never had his run of the place and it is unlikely LeBron will have that privilege either.

Looking at Chicago's 12-13 payroll, they should have approximately $80M in committed contracts in just five players (LeBron, second max, Deng ($13.5M), second year of Noah's extension, first year of Rose's extension. Including the MLE in 2011 and 2012, plus the veteran minimums and rookie contracts, the team then would have a payroll of $100M in a new NBA where players get a smaller cut and payrolls are typically under $60M.

Read more: [url=http://www.realgm.com/src_feature_pieces/931/20100628/the_lebron_james_power_rankings_version_20/#ixzz0sNhNxdXM]http://www.realgm.com/src...ersion_20/#ixzz0sNhNxdXM[/url]
jefferson could be a nice lil addition

[h2]Richard Jefferson Opts Out Of $15.2M Contract[/h2]
Jun 30, 2010 7:31 PM EST

Richard Jefferson has opted out of the final season of his contract.

Jefferson would have earned $15.2M in the final year of his contract.

Read more: [URL]http://realgm.com/src_wiretap/#ixzz0sNuyxttz[/url]

and just horsing around but..

Successful Trade Scenario

[h3]Congratulations on a successful trade.[/h3]
Due to New York and Denver being over the cap, the 25% trade rule is invoked. New York and Denver had to be no more than 125% plus $100,000 of the salary given out for the trade to be accepted, which did happen here. This trade satisfies the provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Trade ID

[h3]Trade ID #5582689[/h3]
Every trade made by fans is allocated a unique Trade ID which you can share with friends and fellow basketball fans to allow them to see your trade scenario.

Try Another Trade or visit our Trade Forum.

New York Trade Breakdown

[h3]Change in Team Outlook: -5.9 ppg, -5.5 rpg, and -0.6 apg. [/h3][table][tr][th="col"]Incoming Players[/th][/tr][tr][td]
[/td][td]Carmelo Anthony
6-8 SF from Syracuse
28.2 ppg, 6.6 rpg, 3.2 apg in 38.2 minutes
[/td][/tr][/table][table][tr][th="col"]Outgoing Players[/th][/tr][tr][td]
[/td][td]Eddy Curry
6-11 C from Thornwood (HS)
3.7 ppg, 1.9 rpg, 0.0 apg in 8.9 minutes
[/td][td]Danilo Gallinari
6-10 SF from Italy (Foreign)
15.1 ppg, 4.9 rpg, 1.7 apg in 33.9 minutes
[/td][td]Wilson Chandler
6-8 SF from DePaul
15.3 ppg, 5.3 rpg, 2.1 apg in 35.7 minutes

Denver Trade Breakdown

[h3]Change in Team Outlook: +5.9 ppg, +5.5 rpg, and +0.6 apg. [/h3][table][tr][th="col"]Incoming Players[/th][/tr][tr][td]
[/td][td]Eddy Curry
6-11 C from Thornwood (HS)
3.7 ppg, 1.9 rpg, 0.0 apg in 8.9 minutes
[/td][td]Danilo Gallinari
6-10 SF from Italy (Foreign)
15.1 ppg, 4.9 rpg, 1.7 apg in 33.9 minutes
[/td][td]Wilson Chandler
6-8 SF from DePaul
15.3 ppg, 5.3 rpg, 2.1 apg in 35.7 minutes
[/td][/tr][/table][table][tr][th="col"]Outgoing Players[/th][/tr][tr][td]
[/td][td]Carmelo Anthony
6-8 SF from Syracuse
28.2 ppg, 6.6 rpg, 3.2 apg in 38.2 minutes

Read more: http://www.realgm.com/src_tradechecker/3/#ixzz0sNvf20oW
That long read is mad unnecessary. I don't need to know why LeBron isn't going to the Bobcats or why the Jazz have no chance at him.

It only got interesting when it got to the candidates.

I'm not liking what Bucher is reporting right now. This FA summer would be totally underwhelming if everything he's hearing comes true. It'd really go to these players wanting nothing but money and being scared of the CBA instead of wanting to win.
Originally Posted by nightruans

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I rather try and trade for Melo.
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

I dont see why a Gallo, Wilson and Curry cant get done for melo or paul if those teams decide to trade them.
Looking like the best scenario now but who knows if Denver is going to really think about the situation or if Melo pressures them and pushes for a trade here.

If Melo is really serious it would seem he doesn't care about the max contract and is looking to leave and want to win.
another one that might work

Successful Trade Scenario

[h3]Congratulations on a successful trade.[/h3]
Due to New York and New Orleans being over the cap, the 25% trade rule is invoked. New York and New Orleans had to be no more than 125% plus $100,000 of the salary given out for the trade to be accepted, which did happen here. This trade satisfies the provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Trade ID

[h3]Trade ID #5582695[/h3]
Every trade made by fans is allocated a unique Trade ID which you can share with friends and fellow basketball fans to allow them to see your trade scenario.

Try Another Trade or visit our Trade Forum.

New York Trade Breakdown

[h3]Change in Team Outlook: -15.4 ppg, -7.9 rpg, and +6.9 apg. [/h3][table][tr][th="col"]Incoming Players[/th][/tr][tr][td]
[/td][td]Chris Paul
6-1 PG from Wake Forest
18.7 ppg, 4.2 rpg, 10.7 apg in 38.1 minutes
[/td][/tr][/table][table][tr][th="col"]Outgoing Players[/th][/tr][tr][td]
[/td][td]Eddy Curry
6-11 C from Thornwood (HS)
3.7 ppg, 1.9 rpg, 0.0 apg in 8.9 minutes
[/td][td]Danilo Gallinari
6-10 SF from Italy (Foreign)
15.1 ppg, 4.9 rpg, 1.7 apg in 33.9 minutes
[/td][td]Wilson Chandler
6-8 SF from DePaul
15.3 ppg, 5.3 rpg, 2.1 apg in 35.7 minutes

New Orleans Trade Breakdown

[h3]Change in Team Outlook: +15.4 ppg, +7.9 rpg, and -6.9 apg. [/h3][table][tr][th="col"]Incoming Players[/th][/tr][tr][td]
[/td][td]Eddy Curry
6-11 C from Thornwood (HS)
3.7 ppg, 1.9 rpg, 0.0 apg in 8.9 minutes
[/td][td]Danilo Gallinari
6-10 SF from Italy (Foreign)
15.1 ppg, 4.9 rpg, 1.7 apg in 33.9 minutes
[/td][td]Wilson Chandler
6-8 SF from DePaul
15.3 ppg, 5.3 rpg, 2.1 apg in 35.7 minutes
[/td][/tr][/table][table][tr][th="col"]Outgoing Players[/th][/tr][tr][td]
[/td][td]Chris Paul
6-1 PG from Wake Forest
18.7 ppg, 4.2 rpg, 10.7 apg in 38.1 minutes

Read more: [url=http://www.realgm.com/src_tradechecker/3/#ixzz0sNwc65EL]http://www.realgm.com/src...checker/3/#ixzz0sNwc65EL[/url]
it means he is kicking us while we our down because he's an arrogant punk from boston with an inferiority complex
i rather keep Gallo. He makes significantly less then those max guys, and plus, he's going to be a stud IMO.

and, i cant believe Jefferson opted out. WoW. I understand hes trying to find long term security, but hes not going to sniff anything close to that, with 3 years of payday IMO.
I can see Gallo becoming an elite level player. What seperates him from a lot of good players is his fire. He seems like a tough feisty kid. That plus his talent is what makes him special/
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

while on my lunch break....

I wasactually interviewedby some girl after taking the pic on 32nd & 8th. She was polling Knick fans on their reaction and I said I wasn't impressed.
Originally Posted by DubA169

it means he is kicking us while we our down because he's an arrogant punk from boston with an inferiority complex

Bill Simmons is a turd.  Biased against NY and completely full of himself.

I prefer going to Yahoo Sports because I hate seeing his face whenever I go to ESPN's main page.

I'm buying a Gallinari jersey..
I spent a very enjoyable 20 minutes on the phone with Danilo Gallinari, who won't be on the recruiting trip -- he's home in Italy working out.

But Gallinari has a role to play for the Knicks in free agency. The general consensus is that the Knicks have a lot of cap space and a big city, but Gallinari, Wilson Chandler, Toney Douglas, Eddy Curry and the like wouldn't mind people noticing that they have some players, too.

The 6-10 Gallinari is one of the finest shooters in the game. His statistics after two seasons compare favorably to Dirk Nowitzki's at the same stage. He is plainly the pick of the litter. And though he was booed vociferously by Knick fans on draft night, he has earned plenty of cheers since, especially after emerging victorious from a physical scorer's duel against Carmelo Anthony in March. (Anthony on Gallinari, postgame: "I love what he is doing ... It was kind of fun to see him hold his ground and not back down.â€
%$!# Richard Jefferson. Look like a ******ed baby with extra chromosomes.

That trade scenario looks even better just lookinig at Eddy Curry's mug.
The Knicks will meet with Mike Miller as free agency begins at 9:01 PM EST local time in Los Angeles.

Joe Johnson will meet with the Knicks shortly thereafter.

Both Miller and Johnson are represented by Arn Tellem.

Miller will meet with the Heat after New York, according to Michael Lee of the Washington Post.
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