21 Mercer WTF?

May 17, 2005
So I havent brought a pair of shoes in about 3 years and decided to get a pair today because my pairs are worn down and have holes in the soles.

I decided to get a pair of running shoes and try them on. First box comes with 2 right shoes but I try on the right one to check if they are true to my size 8.5

They are so I tell him to get a new box. I buy them and leave.

I come home its a 8.5 and a 9.5 shoe.

You've got to be kidding me
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I've heard 21 mercer has the worst employees ever and their RSVP system is beyond rigged :lol:

Good luck fam.
No I did not. I checked the box that said 8.5 and I checked that it had a left and right shoe
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You lucky they didn't charge you more for the 9 1/2, You won fam
Just go back and exchange them. Next time check the sizes before you walk out.
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