23 Yr Old Snapchat CEO Turns Down 3 Billion Offer From FB

I feel like Twitter is much more engrained in our society then people give it credit for.

I think they'll focus on becoming more of a news feed.
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I feel like Twitter is much more engrained in our society then people give it credit for.

I think they'll focus on becoming more of a news feed.

It's been a news feed and a new form of media reporting I read about this in my media class textbook back in 2014. Osama Bin Laden being killed was first reported on Twitter via live tweeting. The guy didn't know what he was witnessing/reporting happened to be this major world event. Every major event I tell my coworkers way before CNN/Fox/MSNBC reports it because it was live tweeted.

I keep up with the news and get real information via Twitter. People sleeping on Twitter it's where 98% of memes are created , it is extremely entertaining, and great connections ca be made.

I also don't see a a group video chat will save Snap. IG/FB will just copy and there are already many group video chats.
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How would y'all feel about longer Snaps (max now is 10 seconds)?

I never gave a crap about snap or understood why people liked it so much but did install it to see raunchy posts from thots, internet pron girls, and pronstars. Longer time means longer raunch.
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I feel instagrams stories isn't as good as snap, it's very slow and sluggish, videos don't load well on wifi or lte...it's like having an android phone and Snapchat all the time
Instagram Stories crushes Snapchat with 250 million daily active users

Instagram Stories crushes Snapchat with 250 million daily active users
Instagram Stories is now at 250 million daily active users, vastly surpassing Snapchat's rate according to Facebook's global head of sales Carolyn Everson.

"If you think about it a year ago when we sat together, Instagram Stroies didn't exist," Everson told CNBC. "Today on the platform, we not only have 250 million people using it, but actually a third (of the most viewed stories) are businesses using Instagram Stories and one million are advertisers."

Instagram added Stories in August 2016, which allows users to post disappearing stories for a 24-hour period eerily similar to Snapchat's capabilities. By January, the feature had 150 million daily active users.

"Our user growth for stories is actually coming at the explosive growth for Instagram overall," Everson said. "Instagram is now at 700 million people globally."

Stories first reported passing Snapchat in April, when it announced it had 200 million daily active users.

Snap said its platform has 166 million daily active users during its last earnings report in May. Snap shares declined about 3 percent after the new Instagram Stories daily active user numbers were announced.

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Somebody was tryna tell me yesterday that IG isnt killing Snap LOL in denial must have bought at open.
Can Snapchat be a quick come up?

If their stock plunges lower can they make a come back, thus if you bought the stock at a low price you flourish?
Don't have either as well but some of the ****s u see online (fools wildin thread) is lolz
Kinda shows you how ******ed we are as a society. Not just the US but worldwide
I think Snap will get bought out.

Who the hell would want to buy Snap? A company that has never made money and will never post a profit, bleeding money like it caught the norovirus, user growth stagnated, and their only claim to fame in terms of bringing in any revenue has been easily copied by Facebook.
I use snap, great product, easy to use, easy to control who can see things

Sucks they keep getting stolen from

They won't completely die or get bought, but they won't be bigger than FB/Insta
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