24: Live Another Day Thread | Mondays 9PM EST on FOX

After watching the 1st episode I'm not even excited to watch the rest of the season.
gets diplomatic immunity... First actions. Throw 2 terrorists out of a window. One still handcuffed
Ok so they pull back from the absurdity of killing the president, I like that but then they have the shady criminal hacker guy who is the middleman in the subplot help stop this threat of blowing up London basically only to take the device that was hijacking drones make it a deus ex machina and have him hijack subs with nuke torpedoes :smh: :lol:

**** is insane b and not in a good way :lol:

Then it's like the writers remember we gotta make Jack do something bad *** again so boom throw shorty out a window :rofl:

As things go on it's like they're making me care less and less. When the ep finished I was trying to figure out if the 12 eps were done yet when I seen what hr was finishing.

On an unrelated note, I can't believe after my POI post so many NTers watch it as well. You bastards! Where yall be at? Somebody make a season thread. My reaction to what happens to my girl Carter :wow: alone. I needed to share that moment :smh: :frown: I think I ended up making a post about it in the movie/tv thread I was so moved. Plus the recent twist this past season with Vigilance and Decima :wow: Man I did the weebay gif for like 10 min straight after that reveal :smokin I remember first watching that show and kinda falling off early on cuz of other shows but once I caught up and started watching S2 I was hooked.

Also how could I forget my girl Root :evil: (a.k.a Fred from Angel :pimp: ). She can get it too.

To think Michael Emerson would be the guy to seamlessly transition to another hit show on national tv.
Ok so they pull back from the absurdity of killing the president, I like that but then they have the shady criminal hacker guy who is the middleman in the subplot help stop this threat of blowing up London basically only to take the device that was hijacking drones make it a deus ex machina and have him hijack subs with nuke torpedoes

**** is insane b and not in a good way

Then it's like the writers remember we gotta make Jack do something bad *** again so boom throw shorty out a window

As things go on it's like they're making me care less and less. When the ep finished I was trying to figure out if the 12 eps were done yet when I seen what hr was finishing.
The 12 ep run of 24 is like a band doing a greatest hits montage, secondary villain, mole in the govt, jack being right but nobody believing him, jack going rogue.
Did I miss something about last night's ep? :nerd:

Navaro gets screwed over and arrested, Jack tortures him? (I missed that part), Brit hacker guy gets strong armed by the Chinese who knew about his device, kill all his ppl then him (missed parts of that), they hijack a US nuke sub just to kill their own ppl so they can start WW3.
Did I miss something about last night's ep? :nerd:

Navaro gets screwed over and arrested, Jack tortures him? (I missed that part), Brit hacker guy gets strong armed by the Chinese who knew about his device, kill all his ppl then him (missed parts of that), they hijack a US nuke sub just to kill their own ppl so they can start WW3.

Man, it was one BUSY hour. :lol:

Basically, Jack chases Navarro, who dumps the device for hacker guy. Hacker guy double crosses him, leaves him no vehicle, Jack and the rest of the CIA show up to catch Navarro.

They get back to CIA to find out what he was trying to do. They find out (in like 2 minutes :lol: ) that he was the one that set up Morgan's husband. Said husband a month after being imprisoned for life, hung himself, so no chance of him being let go. Jack goes to interrogate Navarro, breaks some stuff in his hand. Navarro put a tracker on the device, and will give it to them IF he gets full immunity.

Navarro goes to see medical attention, Morgan storms in with her gun and is about to shoot him in the head when Jack busts in to stop her. Navarro chickens out, and gives up the coordinates for his device so they can track, it was a play by Jack and Morgan.

Chloe does not want the device, and tries to steal it from hacker to get it back to Jack, but hacker stops her and forces her to come back to the lab with him. Once they reach lab, everyone dead. Chinese got them. They take hacker, and open the device. Somehow, in about 45 seconds, they create a complete message to a US Sub to fire missiles at a Chinese aircraft carrier. Even faster, the sub gets this message, and fires a missile within 4 seconds. Yes, the US just fires away when they get a single email, but it had the right launch codes of course, so yeah. Ol boy had the launch code in his damn head or something, cuz he wasn't even lookin at nothin.

Jack and Morgan are on way to get device, when Russia attacks Jack due to jealous weasel White House guy tryin to save his ***.

So now the Russians are in a shootout with the American CIA outside the Chinese gangsters attacking their own ship, on British land.

The world is at war, in about 56-57 minutes or so, from the start of chasing after dip **** Navarro.

And that's the TENTH hour of the day so far.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Ok so I missed how they got Navarro to talk, Chloe smartening up a bit, and the fact that Morgan's husband is already dead. I caught the Russians showing up to get Jack and the sub nonsense and sending a code right after they tricked Chloe. Didn't think it needed to be mentioned given it was in the preview but yeah I guess it was a lot of stuff :lol:

They keeping Chloe alive just to keep her alive at this point. Oh yeah hacker guy telling Chloe her family did die by accident and that she dedicated her whole life to something for nothing was funny :lol:

I actually like the cluster**** when you lay it out like that; Russians in a shootout with American operatives on English land outside the hideout of international hackers that currently have Chinese terrorists inside launching sub missiles that have nukes.

How funny would it be if 24 ended with the world ending and straight up nuclear fall out all over the place? :lol:
How funny would it be if 24 ended with the world ending and straight up nuclear fall out all over the place?

I'm sayin. At this point the only way to properly end this show is with 5 minutes of mushroom cloud. :lol:

Otherwise, what's the point?

Navarro is out, so the other guy gets put in charge OF THE CIA, and the President's first words to him are, "Give Jack whatever he needs". khsdifhdisfagdfgsaf

I forgot to pull thru last week, but when Navarro took off with the device, he went past ONE person in the underbelly of the freaking CIA headquarters. :lol:

The same damn headquarters that were infiltrated THAT MORNING!!!!!! :lol: man, the Following isn't that risky with their ****, 24 just don't care anymore.
So maybe they jump like 10 hrs to finish up the last episode I mean the preview showed them running through the woods with what looked to be early morning

Episode 12 is listed as 10pm-11am
I'm sayin. At this point the only way to properly end this show is with 5 minutes of mushroom cloud.

Otherwise, what's the point?

Navarro is out, so the other guy gets put in charge OF THE CIA, and the President's first words to him are, "Give Jack whatever he needs". khsdifhdisfagdfgsaf

I forgot to pull thru last week, but when Navarro took off with the device, he went past ONE person in the underbelly of the freaking CIA headquarters.

The same damn headquarters that were infiltrated THAT MORNING!!!!!!
man, the Following isn't that risky with their ****, 24 just don't care anymore.
yea i found that kinda crazy...dude just gingerly diddy bop out the cia...... he didnt like move out on some slick, ninja, shadow type steez, dude just strolled out like he walked into the theatre screen ah something...

The other thing is when chloe and ole boy came up to the spot... there was like 10 chinese dudes who broke into the spot... im like if it was lockdown and secure... as soon as they walked up and seen the doors was unlocked etc.... wasnt that a clue in a half to get up and out.
So maybe they jump like 10 hrs to finish up the last episode I mean the preview showed them running through the woods with what looked to be early morning

Episode 12 is listed as 10pm-11am
yea it will have a flash forward to complete the 24 hrs....
Ok so they pull back from the absurdity of killing the president, I like that but then they have the shady criminal hacker guy who is the middleman in the subplot help stop this threat of blowing up London basically only to take the device that was hijacking drones make it a deus ex machina and have him hijack subs with nuke torpedoes

**** is insane b and not in a good way

Then it's like the writers remember we gotta make Jack do something bad *** again so boom throw shorty out a window

As things go on it's like they're making me care less and less. When the ep finished I was trying to figure out if the 12 eps were done yet when I seen what hr was finishing.

On an unrelated note, I can't believe after my POI post so many NTers watch it as well. You bastards! Where yall be at? Somebody make a season thread. My reaction to what happens to my girl Carter
alone. I needed to share that moment
I think I ended up making a post about it in the movie/tv thread I was so moved. Plus the recent twist this past season with Vigilance and Decima
Man I did the weebay gif for like 10 min straight after that reveal
I remember first watching that show and kinda falling off early on cuz of other shows but once I caught up and started watching S2 I was hooked.

Also how could I forget my girl Root
(a.k.a Fred from Angel
). She can get it too.

To think Michael Emerson would be the guy to seamlessly transition to another hit show on national tv.
oh yea esp... root man id uck her with a fishnet condom...
On an unrelated note, I can't believe after my POI post so many NTers watch it as well. You bastards! Where yall be at? Somebody make a season thread. My reaction to what happens to my girl Carter
alone. I needed to share that moment
I think I ended up making a post about it in the movie/tv thread I was so moved. Plus the recent twist this past season with Vigilance and Decima
Man I did the weebay gif for like 10 min straight after that reveal
I remember first watching that show and kinda falling off early on cuz of other shows but once I caught up and started watching S2 I was hooked.

Also how could I forget my girl Root
(a.k.a Fred from Angel
). She can get it too.

To think Michael Emerson would be the guy to seamlessly transition to another hit show on national tv.

We sorta had a discussion here!  Disappointed that the thread never really gained momentum... many this upcoming season! 
Are they doing another season... Maybe

There's too many holes in the story to just end the day like that
Are they doing another season... Maybe

There's too many holes in the story to just end the day like that
the producers said it will depend on fox, the ratings, and the fans request etc.. wanting another season. He also said that they were looking to expand the 24 series and not kill off jack bauer, but pretty much he ride off in the sunset and kate and erik (african guy) be the main characters with kate being the lead pretty much replacing bauer like a female version of bauer..
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