24: Live Another Day Thread | Mondays 9PM EST on FOX

Yeah show's losing me now.

That preview with the Heller in some regular clothes about to give himself up to a terrorist in England. Pssh let that island burn. The POTUS giving in to terrorists just so Jack Bauer can save the day. Pure madness. Can't suspend the disbelief anymore and the show itself just drifted away from what I was continually liking about the start of the season.
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So anyway... no silent-clock?
And also, we're on episode 9 of 12... but we haven't jumped any hours yet... are they gonna skip half a day on episode 11 just so they can still call it 24?
Yeah like I thought, that was ******* ridiculous.

It got me wondering they brought back 24 for this? Was this just a cash in before FOX gives it another go at trying to strike gold with a hit show?

Hey Jack I'm giving you a full pardon, even for all the **** you've done today. Bye now, off to go and die.

Plus they made my girl Catelyn Stark do it :smh:

I don't even care that they got Hispanic detective from Law & Order actually working for the same guy that Chloe teamed up with.
The President getting blown up by a drone missile in Wembley Stadium :lol:
It pretty much summarizes everything bad about 24 now and everything that went wrong with it.

Can't wait until Homeland comes back.
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So anyway... no silent-clock?
And also, we're on episode 9 of 12... but we haven't jumped any hours yet... are they gonna skip half a day on episode 11 just so they can still call it 24?
its meant to only be 12 hrs... they just used the title 24 for familiarity... i mean if they brought the show back and called it 12... iuno how well that wouldve worked out lol...

12:live to see half the day.... doesnt really have a ring to it.
The President getting blown up by a drone missile in Wembley Stadium

great moment scum deserved to die. 

btw this show just plain sucks, but i'll still watch until the end. 24 should of been kept dead. 
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i've always been a fan of 24, but after hearing it got revived. I gave the first two episodes a try and i think hollywood is just squeezing profits and helping this kieferland out.

show also promotes patriotism and american culture. 
its meant to only be 12 hrs... they just used the title 24 for familiarity... i mean if they brought the show back and called it 12... iuno how well that wouldve worked out lol...

12:live to see half the day.... doesnt really have a ring to it.
There were rumors that they were gonna jump hours to make it all take place within 24hrs.  
:lol: y'all are being too critical because we've been blessed with so much other greatly scripted & plotted TV

This is an action packed/based fun TV show. Nothing more nothing less, its enjoyable if you don't take it so serious
:lol: y'all are being too critical because we've been blessed with so much other greatly scripted & plotted TV

This is an action packed/based fun TV show. Nothing more nothing less, its enjoyable if you don't take it so serious

Exactly how I feel

Feel the same way about Person of Interest
Exactly how I feel

Feel the same way about Person of Interest
but poi actually when you look at the build up the plot and the direction of the show is actually a better product. Dont get me wrong i like 24.... but most ppl view things in a vacuum and judge things off of revisionist history. They lump all the great episodes/moments into one memory and judge the past shows solely off of that then compare it to each individual episode.

Ppl do this with sports etc... Like i said i like the show...but there was not ONE season to which every episode was gold. Has 24 kinda gone aa little over the top this season...SURE. But you could say that this has happen a few times in the past of the show as well. 
:lol: y'all are being too critical because we've been blessed with so much other greatly scripted & plotted TV

This is an action packed/based fun TV show. Nothing more nothing less, its enjoyable if you don't take it so serious

Exactly how I feel

Feel the same way about Person of Interest
Person of Interest is way better than this current travesty.

Finch :pimp: Shaw :evil:
Person of Interest might be the most underrated show on television. It's much better than I expected it to be.
i wouldnt say POI is underrated seeing as its one of the highest rated tv shows with a average of 13-14 million viewers. Its just for some odd reason not talked about alot.... There isnt blogs, constant twitter comments etc... about the show like lets say a scandal. But just like law in order, NCIS (which is network tv's most watched show) isnt trending topic type of material. And it kinda put in perspective the type of ppl/personality who watch shows like this. 
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^ Yeah, that's what I meant when I said underrated... just not the chatter we see from GoT, BB, HoC, etc... 
I feel off os POI at the end of S02, I should probably try and catch up...it definitely was a dope show for me...
POI is really good. I think I even tried to start a thread a year or two ago :lol: It's a pretty original story and it has a big mythology. And it's basically a serialized story now. I dunno how it's having such huge success on network TV, but I'm glad it does.

This season of 24 just doesn't have "it"... 24 has always been ridiculous and hard to believe, but it always had its strengths. The bad *** Jack factor and the suspense. It isn't doing either of those well anymore.

Too much drone crap, backstabbing with all the secondary characters... it's mostly the noise in the background from the past seasons without the stuff that made it great.
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POI is really good. I think I even tried to start a thread a year or two ago
It's a pretty original story and it has a big mythology. And it's basically a serialized story now. I dunno how it's having such huge success on network TV, but I'm glad it does.

This season of 24 just doesn't have "it"... 24 has always been ridiculous and hard to believe, but it always had its strengths. The bad *** Jack factor and the suspense. It isn't doing either of those well anymore.

Too much drone crap, backstabbing with all the secondary characters... it's mostly the noise in the background from the past seasons without the stuff that made it great.
yea i remember it was last yr actually. last i remember someone posted saying they hoped watch_dogs was kinda like a video game version of poi
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