24 Looking to build Credit... What are some good tips on your first Credit Card

What if it's not just some drunk dude but a regular and he was visabily intoxicated (barely can stand, slurred speech, etc) ?

I'm sure the law is for the extremes like that were everybody can see this guy should not still be drinking but the bartender is feeding him drinks to laugh at the drunk or to sell drinks.

I dig it, the shop is just trying to make bread and these, unfortunately the risks they take. Even with owning a home knowing that you are liable for people who enter your home. But we take precautions (build fenses around backyards to close off pools, only allow trusted individuals in your property) or teaching bartenders to be able to identify when somebody has had enough to drink
youll never get me to relegate the blame on a business owner for a patron choosing to break the law. dont care if theyre servin snake venom shots with cabo chasers
i understand. you can't control people. but i truly feel this law like many laws are based on the extremes where bartenders are feeding drinks to guys slumped over on the bar barely able to sit up right and watching them walk out the door. then cases where it's a lil blurry get caught and the owner suffers. but, thems the breaks until somebody can write up something that exposes the weak points and offers a better resolution
Not saying everyone thats on the road drunk has been to a bar, but I'd say that most 70 percent of people in DUI, drunk accidents, drunk car deaths, etc.. have come from bars. So Wheres the responsibility from the bars? They can cash out on over priced drinkS marked up at 600 percent, and contribute to an uprising of drunk driving but they should be held responsible? 
Because al audi is suing a bar for a guy that was drunk driving and hit him. 

Huge derail, but hey, this is new information to some. 
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Word. It's interesting we are getting a real world event sue in this thread. 

He was just asking because his credit was kind of messed up and now hes getting a settlement, and is most likely going to use the money to pay off his past debts and rebuilt his credit with a large sum of money. 

So, naturally this would spark interest, and conversation. 
Damn and all this time I thought home owner's insurance was a real thing, they can just take my house

The jig is up
When sarcasm fails.

You read every inch of your policy?

Do you not understand that insurance is in the business of NOT paying...

If you hire uninsured laborers and they fall off a ladder, let's see your policy cover you.
Damn and all this time I thought home owner's insurance was a real thing, they can just take my house

The jig is up

When sarcasm fails.

You read every inch of your policy?

Do you not understand that insurance is in the business of NOT paying...

If you hire uninsured laborers and they fall off a ladder, let's see your policy cover you.

Nah I don't understand that. I pay for insurance, and when something happens that falls under the terms of my insurance policy they do their job, sounds simple haven't had a denied claim yet.

Thanks for the heads up about laborers though.
i have a question

my credit is shot.................credit cards are basically maxed, my last auto loan is default............i wasnt gonna pay anymore for something i no longer drive, had no idea it was gonna take this long so i told the man from Chase i cant do this anymore an i understand the next course of action, so is what it is.

so anyways ill be coming into VERY good XXX,XXX amont from my lawsuit which will obviously make me debt free very soon, i have 21k coming already(from the guy who hit me policy only 21k because of a lot of adjustments with the 100K policy, the 6 figures is from the bar he came from) which can handle all that and insurance is gonna pay off my car i have $100 left after they cover (petty lol) glad about that! (thank you honda)

what will be the best plan of action to build my credit again?? how much better should it become with once everything is charged off, car, collections, credit cards all paid.

thank you in advance for any advice

Wait you don't drive an Audi ? :rofl:
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Nah I don't understand that. I pay for insurance, and when something happens that falls under the terms of my insurance policy they do their job, sounds simple haven't had a denied claim yet.

Thanks for the heads up about laborers though.
Speaking from experience.

Hired a contractor...his dude fell off the roof and threatened to sue.

"you have insurance, right?" from the contractor.

Got legal advice from a friend and I was clear of fault because I hired the contractor, not the laborer.

He also said I wouldn't have been covered because of how the policy was written.

In L.A., a rich area called Hancock Park had signs up on their properties about denied claims from All State when they had rain damage back when El Nino hit a 4-5 years ago.
But you got them Yeezys tho and stay in designer. I'm confused bro.

Lol I don't get ur point at all yes I do, last car was a 2013 Honda Accord

Don't you have a kid? I don't, I handle all my bills and like what I like you don't know my situation in life at all even before my accident.

Sall love from over here brotha, what a time to be alive.

Btw if you feel left out about $200 dollar Yeezys, message me I can help you. A lot of people on this forum own them, don't be a clown and talk nonsense like a hater you're not a hater.
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:smh: yall too eager to past judgment on people whenever you find something 'negative'

Audi just clear all debt and start from the bottom, having a defaulted auto loan is the probably the worst out of all but it won't matter because I'm sure you don't plan on financing for awhile if ever again :lol:
Really? Dude came in here seeking advice and you all know full well what he's been through and this is how you respond. Shameful behavior

It's all good bro, good looks

I don't take NT to heart an I talk to people on this forum in real life on a personal level all day, as you can tell I love to talk to people.

I don't get on feels different opinions are what makes a forum and discussion :D
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Pay your debt back and start using revolving credit back. The score will gradually increase.

If you want to spend the bread, you can contact people that will "clean" your credit score. But you can also do thaf yourself by making sure everything is settled on your credit bureau.

Best of luck Audi.
But you got them Yeezys tho and stay in designer. I'm confused bro.

Lol I don't get ur point at all yes I do, last car was a 2013 Honda Accord

Don't you have a kid? I don't, I handle all my bills and like what I like you don't know my situation in life at all even before my accident.

Sall love from over here brotha, what a time to be alive.

Btw if you feel left out about $200 dollar Yeezys, message me I can help you. A lot of people on this forum own them, don't be a clown and talk nonsense like a hater you're not a hater.

Dat ether

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Pay your debt back and start using revolving credit back. The score will gradually increase.

If you want to spend the bread, you can contact people that will "clean" your credit score. But you can also do thaf yourself by making sure everything is settled on your credit bureau.

Best of luck Audi.

I didn't have debt before besides normal living expenses before accident so now the debt I have is obviously just medical bills out of pocket which isn't crazy I'll be debt free again no problem. I mean I will obviously need a car, it's a default but will be charged off very soon and debt free......with the amount of money I have I will get approved somehow I can put a big down payment if need be and rebuild I'm not too worried, I've made it this far.

I paid for a service before called Blue Sky Financial I won't lie they were great to work with and got the job done. I will prob use a service like that again.

edit: this was the place im pretty sure https://skybluecredit.com/?gclid=CKv34dz_kcoCFQErHwodE1QNEw

they did a great job it was worth the fee an makes life easier for you instead of doing it yourself
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I don't understand the hate towards Al Audi. If an accident crippled me financially when I was doing fine, my *** is suing someone if Its possible. I'm sure the bar has insurance to cover those types of incidents.
LOL at people roasting Audi for not driving one, as a former Audi driver myself, once you have one it is usually your last one 
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