2K9ss on PYS for $175

crap they sold out........oh wait they still have all the sizes. Looks like everyone feels about the same on these shoes. I think jordan brand is gonna have atough year selling the 2k9's.
just copped a 10.5 , cant talk smack till i actualy try them . i didnt realy like them when i first saw them but there starting to grow on me . will see how itdoes when i get them in my hands . 23s are the best comfort wise hopefully they made some improvements on these !!
price is high but not crazy . i mean the 17s were 200 $ on rd . spizikes go for 175 $ so its like whatever , if your a shoe head 200 $ aint a problem .
I have loved jordans since I was a kid. I would have to say that these are ugly. I have not liked a Jordan pass the XVI's.
hope there's no line on rd
...... lol
Not paying retail for them..... interested in how they perform......

is that a white shoe box in the picture????
Shoetrends just put them up for $150.00. They say out of stock, which means they should have them tomorrow. Maybe if they were $110.00 I would cop. But passuntil then.
thats a pretty cool box label. But no, not spendin my money on those hideous things
look like some good ball and gym shoes. i might cop they look comfortable. but not for anything over 120 lol..
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