3/30 Mega Millions $640,000,000 vol. New Record

Originally Posted by sreggie101

Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

If I win this will I be richer than Justin Bieber? I wanna smash selena gomez.

..might as well have a seat over there

i'm trying to get a pool going at my work so far me and 2 others are down to put in 100 each
just looking for 2 more ppl
Originally Posted by LyonBC1

Never played any type of lottery in my life but for a slim chance to win $540 mill (well more like 300mill but still) I had to give it a shot 
bought another one day just because i was at the store, convinced my aunt to get $5 worth as well haha
This is crazy but you know what i mitt just go ahead and play that for the first time and see what comes out of it hey why not
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I'd prob take 6 months to wind down work projects..make sure I'm not leaving any of my collegues in a lurch...plus line up some financial advisors on how to properly handle such a large sum of money

dirty getting in on the dream

but 6 months?! i don't think i would be able to wake up, get dressed, and come into work with a str8 face with 300+ milli just sitting in accounts with my name on them...i would leave as respectfully as possible and already planned to shower a few people that have helped me throughout the years with a few gifts but working for 6 months? or even a week? nah...it would take the SLIGHTEST thing to set me off into Rick James mode standing on top of somebody desk telling them exactly why i dont have to put up with their nonsense

Tickets have been purchased $10 worth
Ready to make it rain all over NT.  Will hold benefit NT summits fully paid to such places as King of Diamonds and I want to party with that NT DJ who is in miami who had that one epic thread of women pictures
Whoever said they're going back to work with 300 M's is trippin.... NONE of us would even make a tenth of this money in a regular life... I ain't got time to work, I'll be too busy spending. Don't get me wrong... I will have PLENTY of investments, and people working for me. I can turn 300 mill into 600... Then 600 into 1B.
Originally Posted by Kingtre

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I'd prob take 6 months to wind down work projects..make sure I'm not leaving any of my collegues in a lurch...plus line up some financial advisors on how to properly handle such a large sum of money

dirty getting in on the dream

but 6 months?! i don't think i would be able to wake up, get dressed, and come into work with a str8 face with 300+ milli just sitting in accounts with my name on them...i would leave as respectfully as possible and already planned to shower a few people that have helped me throughout the years with a few gifts but working for 6 months? or even a week? nah...it would take the SLIGHTEST thing to set me off into Rick James mode standing on top of somebody desk telling them exactly why i dont have to put up with their nonsense


Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Some old Puerto Rican lady from RI is winning that jackpot tonight.

I can sense it.

That crap always happens. I remember JLo's mom won at slots in AC. people were tight. If I win, i'm going straight Coming to America on people. Have chicks washing my penor for me. YOLO
Originally Posted by donttalkitlivit

Whoever said they're going back to work with 300 M's is trippin.... NONE of us would even make a tenth of this money in a regular life... I ain't got time to work, I'll be too busy spending. Don't get me wrong... I will have PLENTY of investments, and people working for me. I can turn 300 mill into 600... Then 600 into 1B.

A tenth.. Try a one hundredth for most of us. $50k a year for 50 years is only $2.5
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