4/25 WWE Extreme Rules PPV - Cena vs Batista, Orton vs Sheamus, Edge vs Jericho (p15)

is that lillian i hear on raw
Originally Posted by The Warehouse 13

Thank goodness HHH is starting off Raw. I can finish this RVD/Hardy match

CM is on

at RVD winning..probably because its 420 tomorrow
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

What is with this new ranking system Bischoff is speaking of?
Don't know yet. Bischoff is going to explain it next week.

I wonder what Bischoff's suprise is tonight?

punk great on the mic, especially wit the jersey sucks comment ........damn serena got a nice body
If Punk already got some hair shaved tonight then I don't see him winning his PPV match. His look has been a big part of his heel character and they just gonna @%+# it all up now.
thank god that mc intyre/hardy feud is over with......hardy just looks terrible in the ring
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