4/25 WWE Extreme Rules PPV - Cena vs Batista, Orton vs Sheamus, Edge vs Jericho (p15)

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Did RVD really wrestle 4 times tonight?

Twice. I didn't think RVD was going to get a push for the title tonight?! I am surprised they gave him the belt.
Undertaker is 100% class. This is the best match that Swagger has had with anyone, and it's THE FREAKING UNDERTAKER.
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

I actually like RVD's new music.


How? It sounds awful to me

at Van Dam being champ (check the sn)
Swagger's gotta retain now after losing cleanly, to Orton and Undertaker since winning the belt.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Undertaker is 100% class. This is the best match that Swagger has had with anyone, and it's THE FREAKING UNDERTAKER.

Agreed, and it makes Swagger look actually look good going into his match w/ Randy Orton this Sunday. That was a PPV quality match, both guys came out looking strong. IT CAN HAPPEN.
Originally Posted by toine2983

Swagger's gotta retain now after losing cleanly, to Orton and Undertaker since winning the belt.

I would be shocked if Swagger didn't retain.  Having "extreme rules" matches allow for a lot of creative ways for the champ to win.
Originally Posted by MrMundayNite

Originally Posted by jdcurt2

I actually like RVD's new music.

How? It sounds awful to me

at Van Dam being champ (check the sn)

Idk the whole "Rob Van Dam" "The whole F'n Show" with the music in between is kinda catchy
RVD's best theme was when he was bumping Walk in ECW. Both the OG Pantera version and the cover version, which might be even better than the OG.
King with slip up.

I turned my head when he said Edge vs Christian.
Originally Posted by retrogearsolid

RVD's best theme was when he was bumping Walk in ECW. Both the OG Pantera version and the cover version, which might be even better than the OG.
whoa whoa whoa im know im late but just read the impact results. how did that happen!?!?! RVD?!?! dammit i gotta start coming home early on monday's!!!!!
Originally Posted by toine2983

King with slip up.

I turned my head when he said Edge vs Christian.
So did I. Cole coming in with an emphasis on "Chris JERICHO".

TNA was mad confusing. I don't get Dixie Carter's character.
Rob Terry is terrible, Orlando Jordan introduced the world to a vest made of bubble wrap

Anyone peep Al Snow on the apron during the celebration? I thought TNA decided to not hire him as an agent since he allegedly pissed some people off.
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