Ive seen much better POV videos than WM17 :nerd:

Stupid auto correct, well played


Exactly about Taker, he calls for it to go home he reverses the F5 into a tombstone. This was planned, nobody should have a record like that at WM
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Welp, looks like some of yall were actually right:

NEW ORLEANS - The Undertaker has just lost his 21-year Wrestlemania streak to former UFC fighter Brock Lesnar. It has been revealed that Brock Lesnar was not in fact supposed to win the match and was scripted for the Undertaker to win the match and extend his Wrestlemania streak to 22 wins.

Im pretty sure most people know that WWE is actually staged and simply for entertainment. All matches are scripted and practiced weeks prior to the actual match, and the winner is, of course, picked before the match is aired, by WWE officials. However, this match was not meant for Brock Lesnar to win.

Similar to the Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart match back in 1997 Survivor Series pay-per-view known as the Montreal screwjob. Shawn Michaels had Bret Hart in a sharpshooter move when Vince McMahon told the officials to ring the bell, causing Michaels to win the match and ultimately screwing Hart over. All hell broke loose between Bret Hart and WWE owner Vince McMahon, which led to Hart leaving WWE for good.

Owner of WWE, Vince McMahon, was privately interviewed by reporters right after Lesnar beat Undertaker and said Undertaker was supposed to win the match and how Lesnar will be fired for changing the script.

I'm just all confused :lol:

c'mon guys,

mcmahon telling reports who was "supposed" to win the match :lol:
All the people questioning the ending to the Streak, yall just dont know the type of person Taker is. He definitely called that audible. Most selfless dude in the lockerroom
Can't even be happy for d bry. Don't know why the streak is bothering me so much. Someone link me the fat kid YouTube being upset. I need to cheer up.
I'm still in shock at Taker losing. My dude looked perplexed walking back up the ramp. Gonna be interesting to see how this plays out.
As much as I dislike the dude, HHH had one sick entrance

Just got home from my friend's house. One of the best Wrestlemania's of all-time. I'm still in complete shock about Taker and still don't know what to think about it.
So glad they let my boy Cesaro cook. D-Bry became a made man tonight. :smokin
0% chance that Undertaker called an audible at the end of the match changed the finish. That had to be the planned finish going in.
I don't get it, if you're hurt and just want to end the match, why not hit your finish and end undefeated? He didn't have to leave with that loss.

Based on the agony Taker was clearly in, I was just hoping Brock tapped out from the Hell's Gate and moved on :lol:
You know, now that the initial shock has worn off a little, I think there was a clue to the streak coming to an end in retrospect. The 21 closed caskets was kinda symbolic in itself, && Brock's being opened then set on fire during Taker's entrance made for a pretty fitting prelude. May just be rhetoric on my part, trying to rationalize an outcome that I spent not even a second considering, but they tie in pretty cool I guess. The Bearer && Undertaker chapters end(?) on the same weekend...not thrilled about it at all, but I suppose it's fitting to a degree.

VERY intrigued to see how this plays out tomorrow.
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You know, now that the initial shock has worn off a little, I think there was a clue to the streak coming to an end in retrospect. The 21 closed caskets was kinda symbolic in itself, && Brock's being opened then set on fire during Taker's entrance made for a pretty fitting prelude. May just be rhetoric on my part, trying to rationalize an outcome that I spent not even a second considering, but they tie in pretty cool I guess. The Bearer && Undertaker chapters end(?) on the same weekend.

VERY intrigued to see how this plays out tomorrow.
You been watching too much Breaking Bad, B. 
You know, now that the initial shock has worn off a little, I think there was a clue to the streak coming to an end in retrospect. The 21 closed caskets was kinda symbolic in itself, && Brock's being opened then set on fire during Taker's entrance made for a pretty fitting prelude. May just be rhetoric on my part, trying to rationalize an outcome that I spent not even a second considering, but they tie in pretty cool I guess. The Bearer && Undertaker chapters end(?) on the same weekend...not thrilled about it at all, but I suppose it's fitting to a degree.

VERY intrigued to see how this plays out tomorrow.

Ahh so it did drop...if I knew it dropped like that I wouldve threw 100 on it

I was always under the impression that anything that's -1000 or higher for WWE covers automatically. Guess not and they kept this one under wraps.

A dog dropping 3000 to 1000 the day of something staged is an automatic red flag

Hell if I ever notice a crazy drop similar to that with a Floyd fight ima take the other side (and I know boxing isn't fixed...well they say it never is lol)
Now that the streak is over. Undertaker can now retire without having to be asked to do another Wrestlemania to keep the streak alive. His body is done
I don't get it, if you're hurt and just want to end the match, why not hit your finish and end undefeated? He didn't have to leave with that loss.

Based on the agony Taker was clearly in, I was just hoping Brock tapped out from the Hell's Gate and moved on :lol:
Right. That wouldn't have been a bad time for the match to end. I get he got worked most of the match, but there's no wrong finish in tapping out. I'm going to rewatch that match and see if I can hear him calling for the reverse.
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I was hoping he'd have one more match in the bay area but wouldn't even be mad if he doesn't. #thankyoutaker
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