like what?
Dudes talking about the symbolism with the casket in the beginning. Cmon B, Vince Gilligan doesn't work for the WWE.

There's honestly no rhyme or reason as to why Taker lost. He just did. He didn't like how the streak was becoming bigger than Mania itself simple as that. I keep saying it but yall dismiss it. Thats the type of person Taker is. He's SELFLESS. HE is the one who chose to end the streak, not Vince. Not Lesnar. Not creative. Taker did. And i trust his judgement. 
I wanna see the taker lesnar match again. Anyone know where I can see it? I wanna mainly see the ending and the part where brock threw the cameras in the crowd.
Is the match conclusion to that taker vs brock match on youtube yet? I have to see that again. That was EASILY the most shocking thing ive ever seen in wrestling. It still dont feel real

cant you go and replay wrestlemania on the network right away?

feel like going bacj to watch it
I'm serious.

Sting is coming to WWE for one match. At Wrestlemania 31. It's pretty much all but been advertised down here in New Orleans all weekend.
If Taker didn't lose then I would agree. But Taker is not wrestling another match again. I almost guarentee it
Man ROH stars really done came far man. I recall watching the first show and following the promotion for years and look at them now. DB closed WM as Champ, CC won a WM match(Chris Hero why couldnt you lose weight bruh!!!), CM punk got the streets going crazy on his next move.

ROH stars get treated better by WWE than ECW stars ever did
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