It's kinda surreal knowing months ago (probably post-Summer Fest) that we were all banking on D. Bry finally rightfully winning at Mania.
If they could have got Brock to agree to more dates, and they would have booked him to be this destructive force that only lost maybe 1 time since his return then I wouldn't have as big a problem with it..But I'm seeing stuff on the net that's saying he's not advertised to appear on Raw tonight and also that WWE doesn't even have him booked to make an appearance..Now what the **** kinda since does that make?..
Lol I think it's absurd that you guys see any sort of problem with Brock beating an old *** undertaker. Way to absolutely kill Brock as a character having him lose to everyone he's fought since his return.

Lost to cena but beat cena to a pulp. Lost to hunter cuz shovel. But losing to old *** undertaker just because it's wrestle mania? No sir, this is the #reality era now.
I'm cool with Brock beating Taker but how is not at Raw tonight? :lol:



Damn I missed this.
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If they could have got Brock to agree to more dates, and they would have booked him to be this destructive force that only lost maybe 1 time since his return then I wouldn't have as big a problem with it..But I'm seeing stuff on the net that's saying he's not advertised to appear on Raw tonight and also that WWE doesn't even have him booked to make an appearance..Now what the **** kinda since does that make?..

Lol I think it's absurd that you guys see any sort of problem with Brock beating an old *** undertaker. Way to absolutely kill Brock as a character having him lose to everyone he's fought since his return.

Lost to cena but beat cena to a pulp. Lost to hunter cuz shovel. But losing to old *** undertaker just because it's wrestle mania? No sir, this is the #reality era now.

If anything, he should have never lost to either of them which makes this even worse. Cena and HHH should have let him go over especially Cena who he beat to a pulp.
Really hoping Cesaro swinging Swagger and winning the Battle Royal means a push is in his future. Would love to see him gloat ala King Booker after his KotR win.
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I'm still sitting here thinking how is it that the Undertaker isn't in better shape. He's old, I get that, but there have been plenty of older guys that have gone out and had good matches in their old age. Who also worked more than once a year.
Sidebar: am I the only one who thinks that Cesaro could not do a swing on Big Show if he tried? A pick up and throw over the top is one thing, but let's not get carried away. Seems the entire internet is certain it's possible except me.
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Really hoping Cesaro swinging Swagger and winning the Battle Royal means a push is in his future. Would love to see him gloat ala King Booker after his KotR win.

Cesaro is about to get pushed to the moon. I'd expect him to be #3 face status going forward
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Was Cesaro an option on the prediction contest?..Cause I picked "other" and from what I'm seeing Cesaro wasn't one of the entrants advertised..
I'm still sitting here thinking how is it that the Undertaker isn't in better shape. He's old, I get that, but there have been plenty of older guys that have gone out and had good matches in their old age. Who also worked more than once a year.
Sidebar: am I the only one who thinks that Cesaro could not do a swing on Big Show if he tried? A pick up and throw over the top is one thing, but let's not get carried away. Seems the entire internet is certain it's possible except me.

He would break his damn back tryna swing Show.
Who cares if Brock loses to everyone?

He's here for a paycheck and the fact he was pretty much a bust in UFC

looks like WWE to me bro....
:lol: Good one

Hope Lesnar beats Bryan at Summerslam. SSeries, or Wrestlemania 31 and gets a Sammartino esque 3 year title run. On some final boss video game type ****.​

Maybe even have an angle where his contract kayfabe expires and allow him to go back to the UFC and be UFC and WWE champ at the same time. Have the company have no title for a few months. ​

They got to really sell him like he's unbeatable.​
I like the idea. They have to make Brock look unbeatable man. They failed before and have a good chance to fix that now
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