I think his last few matches already did that, for me, at least. I thought he's definitely been on fumes the last few years and last year was just everything he had left. You can tell he was completely done last night.

Yeah I agree; I really wasn't excited about his last few matches

I still think they should have had HBK end the streak then retire on his own terms
I don't know if I can put Taker loosing high on the shock meter as Hogan turning heel...but it's definitely up there.
Yea I've stated that was my most memorable moment ...I'll never forget that lol

definitely both up there as well as Warrior Hogan WM VI but Heenan wasn't supposed to snitch and it kind of ruined the shock value a little compared to what we saw last night. 99.9% was expecting a kick out or shoulder up from taker.
I always had a feeling Hogan was gonna be the 3rd member so I was shocked in that, more just shocked I was actually watching it happen.
It was a complete shock to me. It was crazy watching wrestling without internet at the time at such a young age.
Was hoping to see undertaker lose at Wreslemania when its at Levis stadium

Me too! I'm going next year and was hoping to see takers last match!!!

But to those saying they don't understand why let brock take the streak and not a up and comer. Think about it. Perfect example was ted dibiase jr. Everyone thought he was gonna be a star and now he's in the Indys. Same could go for anyone else not established. But I also get that it shouldn't have been brock. I think cena was the only real choice to end it despite how sick we are of him. IMO taker should've kept it at 20-0 or 20-1. Not some odd number like 21. But I do get that given it's the 30th wm that is where taker would lose. Just adds the more to their 30th anniversary.
The "smart" fan side of me understands why the streak ended. It was taking on a life of it's own and Taker didn't want that. 

But the other side is heartbroken man. I was born in 1992 so I got to experience the second half of it when they started "advertising" it. That was the one constant in the WWE that you could count on.

That and RKO testing positive for PEDs
Rewatching WM since I missed the 1st hour and a half last night...Hogan, Austin, Rock :wow:
Watched wm again, dam good show but really only had 2 good matches, both Daniel Bryan matches. Everything else was just awesome moments.
Going to have to watch parts of Mania tonight. Was watching a little with my girl. She was cracking me up with her observations: she thought it was BS with Kofi's foot on the steps, and how many times Dolph was hanging from the ropes. 9-10 was GOT time.

Need to rewatch parts of GOT as well, damn.
It had been years since I had watched a Wrestlemania, hell any wrestling for that matter. One thing I knew I could count on was Undertaker improving to 22-0. Of all the people he could lose, did it really have to be Brock Lesnar??? Why not HBK, Triple H, Stone Cold etc... I didnt even want to finish the PPV but I did anyway and that's all I kept thinking about, woke up with that s**t on my mind
 I know its just "sports entertainment" but damn
WWE stock has dropped $5 already since announcing the number of subscribers

Wonder what investor expectation was. I mean only 40 something days in and they have almost 700k subsrcibers with an annouced goal of 1 million by the end of 2014.

So they gonna blame D-Bry for that and make him lose the belt on Main Event tomorrow? I doubt they'd do it tonight because that international crowd WILL burn the place down.
They not gonna blame D-Bry 
They spent 8 months building that up. This isn't Dolph Ziggler 
Investor expectation doesn't matter the stock has doubled since November basically. It was due for this pull back. I blame the streak ending if anything :nerd:
Investor expectation doesn't matter the stock has doubled since November basically. It was due for this pull back. I blame the streak ending if anything
Stuff that happens on tv has minimal impact on the stock...its basically the thought that they're a little over halfway toward breakeven and the expectation that subscriptions will rescind after the initial period ends, then they'll need a huge influx of new subs for SSlam. SSlam will need to be almost as big as Mania this yr. 
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