And another thing, I am a WCW dude and all but Sting's name was typed way too many times last night. Yall dudes talking about, "Ahh ahhh this lost just means Undertaker and Sting is a no go." Man, who wanted to see that in the first place beside Cases of Kicks.
And another thing, I am a WCW dude and all but Sting's name was typed way too many times last night. Yall dudes talking about, "Ahh ahhh this lost just means Undertaker and Sting is a no go." Man, who wanted to see that in the first place beside Cases of Kicks.

Do you think Sting is returning to RAW tonight???? :nerd:
I'd rather have Taker not have the streak on the line if he does face Sting

I think the best way to do it I'd have Taker wrestle and beat a fairly big name at the Rumble so he goes in looking strong to face Sting at WM31 so that way if Sting wins it won't be a shocker
Do you think Sting is returning to RAW tonight????
It would be his returning to Monday night wrestling since 2001. Can't wait for Stings Return. Its been over 12 years
I just don't get why(beside the obvious reason) Brock jobs to HHH at Mania, but ends the most historic legacy of any wrestling event with the UT.

Just a bizarre ending to the match. The streak was bigger than wrestling as a whole the past few years and deservedly so.. but you could tell that unless there was a worker of a high caliber level in a match with Taker that the matches wouldn't be as great as everyone wants to think. That's not a knock against Taker(or Brock for that matter) but he had A LOT of help in getting that streak to that level that it had.

I'm not too upset by it ending, I just don't see the reasoning behind it.

I know tonights show will set up some good things for the future and hopefully give some clarity to what we witnessed last night.
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I just don't get why(beside the obvious reason) Brock jobs to HHH at Mania, but ends the most historic legacy of any wrestling event with the UT.

Just a bizarre ending to the match. The streak was bigger than wrestling as a whole the past few years and deservedly so.. but you could tell that unless there was a worker of a high caliber level in a match with Taker that the matches wouldn't be as great as everyone wants to think. That's not a knock against Taker but he had A LOT of help in getting that streak to that level that it had.

I'm not too upset by it ending, I just don't see the reasoning behind it.

I know tonights show will set up some good things for the future and hopefully give some clarity to what we witnessed last night.

Pretty much exactly how I feel but tell that to the folks that lost their retirement last night :lol:
The fact that there was a "streak" in sports entertainment in the first place was so corny to me...... you go in knowing that taker would always win. IDK why it gets me so mad but it does lol.
Boogey Man 1-0

Chuck Palumbo 1-0
Chyna 2-0

Dallas Page 1-0

David Otunga 1-0

Rob Van Dam 4-0

Sable 3-0
Sabu 1-0

Snooki 1-0

Have all never lost at WM
dat Heyman promo tonight though..

Will be EPIC.

A day later && I think this was the right decision. Considering that Taker wanted Brock to end the streak back in 2010 (last night was his decision too, WAY before that 'reverse to F5' call), it's THE benchmark moment of WM 30 (&& for some, especially those born in the 90s like me, maybe wrestling period), && it can finally bring perspective back to the UT character as a whole, not just the Streak aspect. Would I have liked to see it live on? Of course...but what other guy can you give the Streak to without the fan backlash outweighing the accomplishment for years to come? Would've been a bit unfair IMO to put a Reigns or someone of that ilk in that position in the future, especially when we saw with our own eyes last night that Taker just couldn't go like we've all been accustomed to anymore. :smh:

The clues to it ending were there last night in the entrance (a reach to some but having different opinions is the beauty of this whole thing :lol:), but I still never thought it would actually happen yesterday. And for WWE, mission accomplished.

Looking forward to see how this unfolds...Raw is gonna be bananas tonight..:pimp:
Although they weren't the same stars are Hogan/Rock/Austin.. I enjoyed the HBK/Bret era the most.

** and to add to your 'streak' list, Shield 2-0 :pimp:
Not sure if it was mentioned or not but Cameron had a wardrobe malfunction last night during the Diva's match so she eliminated herself...
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