



Watching WMXXX again(!)...ya'll know that Orton damn near breaking his back on that monitor during that Hyper Combo Finish they pulled on Bryan is all Ricardo's fault, right? You can see homie slip that mofo under the announce table as they start doing the whole "announce table demolition prep" thing.

In fairness to Ricardo, he did def try to point them toward Announcements Francais beforehand tho. Probably revenge for taking the Spanish table first in a 3 language setup, total disregard for tradition.

XXX is definitely my favorite of the modern era...damn near up there with my all-time best, 17.

Oh yeah, listened out for the infamous called spot in the Streak finale on the rewatch...I'd be willing to bet up to $20 that I heard a phrase including "F5" from Taker before the big reversal.

**** legit still had me shocked this morning tho.
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I think it will be RVD VS Lesnar at ER, unless the Lesnar/Heyman segment ends with Heyman saying there's nobody else to fight and we don't see Lesnar for a while.
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^ I dont think anything will ever top Wrestlemania X7 for me, SC v Rock
I attended last year's Mania and I barely remember any of the matches besides Rock-Cena. This year had at the very least three memorable matches, not including the Hogan, Stone Cold, and Rock segment.
^ I dont think anything will ever top Wrestlemania X7 for me, SC v Rock
Oh no doubt, but what impressed me so much is that they did it without leaning on the old favorites too much.

For the most part, it was the '04 and beyonders who made their mark last night, dudes whose music hit for the first time long after I stopped listening the first time. That's how you build the future, and I think they might finally get it. I'm hopeful that we're experiencing the next wave now as HHH becomes Vince-Prime, Cena fades away, etc.

Still, 17 is damn near impossible to beat, top-to-bottom. Like, damn.
Oh no doubt, but what impressed me so much is that they did it without leaning on the old favorites too much.

For the most part, it was the '04 and beyonders who made their mark last night, dudes whose music hit for the first time long after I stopped listening the first time. That's how you build the future, and I think they might finally get it. I'm hopeful that we're experiencing the next wave now as HHH becomes Vince-Prime, Cena fades away, etc.

Still, 17 is damn near impossible to beat, top-to-bottom. Like, damn.
Yeah I agree; last night I was seeing guys who I don't even know (been a while since I watched wrestling, probably since 07) and it wasn't just some scrubs. I found myself pulling for D Bryan even though Im a Randy Orton fan. I felt old when I realized that Rikishi had sons wrestling
 Didn't really care for that guy Bray Wyatt, seems kind of corny, despite all the hate for Cena, I still rock with him. I remember when he first came out back in 02 or 03, I was a fan just because he wore throwbacks and he rapped
 All in all though, the show was good enough to make me look forward to Raw tonight and hopefully I can be pulled back in for a few more years
Unless yall believe the Undertaker's character was truly mythical, Brock beating him

makes perfect sense. Brock Lesnar is easily one of the greatest physical and dangerous 

wrestlers to ever walk this planet. Undertaker is 49 years old. 

Mike Ehrmantraut can only be successful for so long.
Trippin..........He's got the whole world.........in his hands.
I haven't watched wrestling in years, so seeing him for the first time, he came across as corny. I assume this isn't the case though, otherwise he probably wouldn't be facing Cena at Wrestlemania
I'd put last night's Wrestlemania in my personal top 5.


Bryan winning clean over HHH then taking the title to close it
Cesaro winning the BR the way he did was :wow:
Streak ending
Cena match was solid and I am not really mad Cena won

Only part that sucked was the Shield match but I kind of expected a fast squash type match
I haven't watched wrestling in years, so seeing him for the first time, he came across as corny. I assume this isn't the case though, otherwise he probably wouldn't be facing Cena at Wrestlemania
If you care, just google search Bray Wyatt Promos. Learn, listen, enjoy.
This thread has been crazy for the last few days. Couldn't even attempt to keep up with it, so I stuck to Twitter for last night...
-Opening with Hogan/Stone Cold/Rock was awesome. Had some buddies at the house that don't even watch wrestling and they were thoroughly enjoying it.
-HHH entrance was great, as was the match.
-Glad they let Shield wash those old bums. Interested to see what they have up next for them.
-Cesaro winning :smokin Hopefully he gets a huge push.
-Don't understand what they accomplished by having Cena beat Bray. That was the perfect chance to truly launch Bray.
-I have no issue with Brock beating Taker at all. Brock is an absolute beast, and he should be booked as such. Not having him lose to a gimpy Taker. Streak shouldn't have lasted that long anyways.
-RKO BOMB was soo :smokin
-As much as I like Randy, I'm glad that they did the right thing and gave DBry his shine.
I'm honestly more upset about Cena beating Bray than Brock beating Taker.
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