dat Heyman promo tonight though..
Going to be tough to juggle Raw and the National Championship tonight.  Heyman is a creative genius as a promoter/writer and as good as it gets on the mic as a manager.  I hope they give him a good 10 - 15 mins to piss everyone off.
I just don't get why(beside the obvious reason) Brock jobs to HHH at Mania, but ends the most historic legacy of any wrestling event with the UT.

Just a bizarre ending to the match. The streak was bigger than wrestling as a whole the past few years and deservedly so.. but you could tell that unless there was a worker of a high caliber level in a match with Taker that the matches wouldn't be as great as everyone wants to think. That's not a knock against Taker(or Brock for that matter) but he had A LOT of help in getting that streak to that level that it had.

I'm not too upset by it ending, I just don't see the reasoning behind it.

I know tonights show will set up some good things for the future and hopefully give some clarity to what we witnessed last night.
Answered your own question.  I know it's a bit played out to bash the COO, but his legacy is what it is for a reason.  I could rant on for hours about my disdain for that dude.
Would have loved to see Taker defend the streak live at Levi's stadium next year.

I ain't een mad that they had Brock end it though, dudes a beast
I think everyone wants to know.. what's next for Brock? I think they're going to make him go after the world titles. Maybe feud with Bautista?
The beast vs the animal :nerd:
Although they weren't the same stars are Hogan/Rock/Austin.. I enjoyed the HBK/Bret era the most.

** and to add to your 'streak' list, Shield 2-0 :pimp:

Agreed. That 1994-1997 era was my favorite. Bret and Shawn were my favorites, as a kid I loved watching those guys. Wrestlemania 12 Iron man match was amazing and it's great that WWE shows those 2 so much respect even though they weren't the ratings draw that Hogan/Rock/Austin were.
IMO I'd rather let Brock be the one to end it than an "up & comer," especially with the story, they've told the last 2 WMs. XXVIII Taker had to be stretchered out, XXIX he was helped to the ramp with HHH & HBK signaling the "end of an era." The way I see it the "Beast" just (bad pun) put the final nail in the coffin.

Don't give it to a Reigns or a Bray cause I don't think it is fair to them to try and live up to that pressure. They will still get over. Some of you wanted Ryback to beat Punk in the middle of his reign, in retrospect that would've been horrible. Why not have Punk end the reign? Look where Punk is now? The guy was given a 434 day reign and he still wasn't happy.

"The 1 Billy Gunn" won the King of the Ring back when that still meant a lot, and he failed miserably, they gave a rising Jack Swagger the strap & look at him now.

Brock winning is fine he is still a beast. I hate the "but HHH and Cena beat him." Nobody outside of the internet cares about that. That's like saying the Seahawks shouldn't have won the Super Bowl cause they lost at home to the Cardinals.

21-1 will still be admired and put over, everyone will remember Brock and Taker forever unlike a majority of the wins Taker got during the first half of the streak.
I think Brock was a good choice to end the streak. Dude is a beast. I am all for having young talent be put over, but having someone that is an established wrestler with many achievements is better because he will always be remembered for everything he has done. If a young guy beats the streak it would be a stepping stone for that person, but is that what we really want the streak to be?
I rewatched the Taker match and still can't see where he supposedly called the spot.

I'm guessing it would have been right before it happened when he's picking up Brock off the mat. The ref clearly tries to wave off the 3 count.
Undertaker flying off the top ropes against Shawn Michaels I was :wow:  None of his WM matches after that have been better, they're been good, but not better.  I was surprised how good his match with CM punk match was though,  His punk match > the no DQ and hell in a cell with HHH.
I think that Brock and Taker beef was overblown by everybody. The match was rumored to happen for a few years and it was always mentioned that Taker wanted a match against Brock at Mania. Taker probably wanted Brock to break the streak for a while now. Isn't Taker a huge MMA fan? He probably had more reapect for Brock than anybody else on the roster right now. I have no problen with the L since I think it was Taker's call.
Watch the clip hadpants put a few pages back. You can see taker put his head down and say something right before the reverse.

Right. But can you make out what he's saying? I just don't understand how people are able to discern what exactly he's saying from that.
Haven't been following wrestling as much lately. But just last week I was discussing with some friends the possibility of Sting finally joining the WWE. I stated Sting breaking the Undertakers streak for the title at Wrestlemania would be epic, only to find out today Brock did it. Really didn't think they would let Brock be the one. Had no idea there was talk of Sting joining the WWE. Must say, I'm a bit excited.
Right. But can you make out what he's saying? I just don't understand how people are able to discern what exactly he's saying from that.

Definitely can't tell what he's saying. I'm just pointing out where everyone is saying it was called. But you're right. Anything could have been said. Only a selected few knows exactly what was said.
Right. But can you make out what he's saying? I just don't understand how people are able to discern what exactly he's saying from that.

The shocking outcome has everyone grasping at straws right now. That sequence of events is no different from Cena loudly calling his spots or Trips signaling for Bryan to end it during their match. The match went down how it was planned.

My question is was Taker truly as washed up as he looked or was that part of the story telling.
Agreed. That 1994-1997 era was my favorite. Bret and Shawn were my favorites, as a kid I loved watching those guys. Wrestlemania 12 Iron man match was amazing and it's great that WWE shows those 2 so much respect even though they weren't the ratings draw that Hogan/Rock/Austin were.

The main event scene from SS 96 - 97 was gold. WWF lagged big time in ratings but that era built the base for the take over. SCSA V Hart and then the Harts v America feud was absolutely awesome

Heel Bret was brilliant
Right. But can you make out what he's saying? I just don't understand how people are able to discern what exactly he's saying from that.

All i can hear is taker say f5, but i dont know if cause i legit hear it, or its been planted in my mind now.

Those with the network its from

2:53:13 - 2:53:18
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WWE invested so many years into that streak, to have it end by a part-timer. The match was not that good either.

I do not agree with ending the streak, and there is a big difference between 22-0 and 21-1. Taker is a true icon, and big time company guy.

Should be awarded with keeping the streak after 30 years of service.

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Haven't been into wrestling for a long while now, but I was shocked to see Undertaker lose, especially to Lesnar.

Anyway, my favorite era in WWE history has to be from '94 to WM 14 in '98. Not that wrestling went downhill, but I was never a fan of the Rock/Stone Cold era. The characters and quality of wrestling just wasn't the same anymore, save a few matches.

Michaels had a streak from '95-'96 to '98 of just awesome television. Dude was the best wrestler on the planet, the original DX era was great.
Just saw the Divas match. It could've been much better. It was too unrealistic. No way all the Divas would be down with only AJ and Naomi in the ring.
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