Yeah Bray should've got the W here w Cena going over at Extreme Rules. Could've really fleshed out Cena being a good guy that refuses to use weapons angle.
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I thought Cole's call of the final minutes of the main event were about as good as it could get
He has really stepped his game up since turning face again. I used to be a harsh critic, but he was money. Was surreal though considering the history between he and Danielson.
I thought Cole's call of the final minutes of the main event were about as good as it could get
Mike don't usually get no love from me, but he definitely added to the main event. He ain't no JR, but who is? Damn shame how they did that man, btw.
Does Wyatt even care bout titles?
I feel like he would pursue them solely so others couldn't have them/to mock their vain and self-serving motives in seeking it, etc. The titles could also be a "platform" because he knows more people listen to someone they call a champion...something like that.
I'm honestly more upset about Cena beating Bray than Brock beating Taker.
By far. My homie (also a lapsed Attitude kid who peeks in from time to time) could not understand why I was so hurt he lost. I thought Superman was finally gonna meet Doomsday, they really missed their shot.

Speaking of missed opportunities, anybody else want Taker to hop in one of the caskets after he lost? Just seemed like it would fit.
I'm not a Bryan fan so I couldn't care about him winning. However it's good to see HHHs ego not take center stage again.
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