So how can I watch the D. Bryan documentary? What is it under?

Yall go watch some World Class Championship Wrestling.

Jose Lithario vs. PS Hayes :smokin
are they ever gonna get rid of the two belts? I am gonna miss the WCW belt that just screams out class and prestige.
also a few weeks ago:

Daniel Bryan ‏@WWEDanielBryan Mar 16
Watched last night’s UFC. @DiegoSanchezUFC inspires me every time he fights, win or lose. The original YES man. Legs, Lungs, HEART.
So how can I watch the D. Bryan documentary? What is it under?

Yall go watch some World Class Championship Wrestling.

Jose Lithario vs. PS Hayes :smokin

Just go back on the schedule. It played after Main Event and i think its listed under the Legends of Wrestling category right now.
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So how can I watch the D. Bryan documentary? What is it under?

Yall go watch some World Class Championship Wrestling.

Jose Lithario vs. PS Hayes :smokin

I don't know if you've ever seen Japanese wrestling, but I had these cued awhile back, so here ya go

It's time for one belt again, hate seeing guys struggle with two :lol:

right.. haha I just hate the belt without the eagle.. the eagle to me is a must.. but then again anything but the spinner. I wanna throw up just thinking about how corny that was ..
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Peep, as quiet as it is kept, I don't know if I have watched any Japanese wrestling since the WWE Network dropped. Losing my roots man.

Nah, I watched New Beginning NJPW Show. That Tuesday show and a Joshi match.
[COLOR=#red]The Daniel Bryan documentary was damn good. Really enjoyed it.

Side Note, I like their being two belts. It's all about the representation to me. One belt is for the 117 men in the WWE that have held that belt spanning from 1963 to 2014. Pretty awesome... But the other belt man. You are talking about the NWA and WCW. What It represents as well... to be thee guy... you hold all those names and all that prestige in two hands (or shoulders etc.) I don't want to see one belt... I don't want All of my childhood reminders, or favorites, or memories to go away. There Are some things you don't need to tinker with, they can stand the test of time.

It might seem silly, especially with how WWE heads treat the belts, but it's just how I feel about it. [/COLOR]
Seth Rollins ‏@WWERollins 39m
@TripleH We will be your demise. We will take your throne. And we'll leave you with nothing. #HoundsOfJustice #MainEvent

This dude Seth.. gonna be repacked as Fandango's new dancer.

[COLOR=#red]The Daniel Bryan documentary was damn good. Really enjoyed it.

Side Note, I like their being two belts. It's all about the representation to me. One belt is for the 117 men in the WWE that have held that belt spanning from 1963 to 2014. Pretty awesome... But the other belt man. You are talking about the NWA and WCW. What It represents as well... to be thee guy... you hold all those names and all that prestige in two hands (or shoulders etc.) I don't want to see one belt... I don't want All of my childhood reminders, or favorites, or memories to go away. There Are some things you don't need to tinker with, they can stand the test of time.

It might seem silly, especially with how WWE heads treat the belts, but it's just how I feel about it. [/COLOR]

Couldn't agree more. Can't really get rid of the WWE belt cause, well, it's the WWE belt, and they just redesigned it. The Big Gold though will always be my favorite. The most legit belt in the biz.
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