Watched that Lethal/Flair promo about 100 times already
Guess I will be the first to say this, but this may be perhaps the best Wrestling Thread on NT of ALL TIme.............

If you scroll through it, you get a little bit of everything Pro Wrestling.................

Real cool ride....

WWE couldnt pay for this kind of mainstream attention right now, especitally with the launch of the Network, Mania, Taker, Brock, Warrior, HOF, just crazy............

That Rusev theme is indeed nice. The Shield, The Real Amer... Zeb & Swagger, and Brock have the best ones going to me.
Been rewatching matches this weekend and Wrestlemania XXX might be my second favorite WM of all time. If Cena/Wyatt had a better finish and Taker's match went a little better (doesnt even need to be a classic, just not suck), it would definitely be #1 for me.
Maybe my tv isnt loud enough but I dont get why ppl like Titus theme.

Just sounds like the generic rap used when a show cant get the licensing for a mainstream track
Been rewatching matches this weekend and Wrestlemania XXX might be my second favorite WM of all time. If Cena/Wyatt had a better finish and Taker's match went a little better (doesnt even need to be a classic, just not suck), it would definitely be #1 for me.

It really is one of the best ever.

It's so weird to think that Taker is responsible for the worst match on the card.
also,rusev shouldve ended the streak and coulda been new the monster heel.wwe writing could/should be so much better.

He could end up a bust then you would have the dude who broke the streak wrestling at local gyms. Vince aint risking it on someone who's isn't established, even though Brock is a part-time he's also won't wrestle outside of the wwe for the rest of his career.
Wonder who on the roster attended the wedding.

And my bet is Rusev will face Cena in a few months, take an AA and lose :smh: .

Yeah cesaro was there like someone said the total divas cast. Cena. Sara del rey the divas nxt trainer who is rumored to be dating cesaro was there too
I know they were dating in the past. Not sure if they still were recently.

-According to PWInsider.com, Triple H is said to be very open to the idea of referencing the IWC and its fans on TV through creative and the way angles are booked, whereas Vince McMahon's M.O. has always been to ignore the internet.

I honestly think we'll be in good hands once shovel takes over. He's done a great job with nxt. One thing I do respect about vince was he would always forgive and forget. Not sure that's how shovel will handle things.

Also heyman will be on Austin's podcast this week. :pimp:
All jokes aside, we will be in good hands once HHH takes over. Remember, he is one of the main people backstage behind that D-Bry push. Cesaro too
I'm very satisfied with the way Hunter played out the closing scenes of this D-Bry angle. From the way he sold those kendo stick shots to their match. Glad he built a new star that night.
Yep. And he's the reason why the tag team division is arguably the best thing going on wrestling wise
Random thought but was watching pain and gain and the part where the rock was in jail he was fight kurt angle I just realized this and I watched this movie a thousand times lol
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