4 Lokos !!

I did 3 once. Not a good night, not a good experience. RIP to my insides.

Grape, fruit punch, lemonade flavors though

we know one things for sure, OP you have ZERO taste in alcoholic beverages and would probably drink a mans swamp as s if it was distilled properly

-The Juice
yall talkin bout rip, but so wat its alcohol...freeze me sir. and yall tryna say u drink quality liqour, me too but hell im just posted tonight. stop tryna %%%$ on me. anyway these 4 lokos is the truth
First taste a while back "not bad"..Had it a second time and realized "what the __ was I thinking?" :X
yall flexin, its a 12% alcohol beer wit a fruity taste. i aint gotta drink vsop every night. stop tryna act like yall better than me lol
My boy downed 4 of those last night, along with a Long Island and a few beers.....needless to say he was %+@%#* up
had them at school, they aren't THAT bad but if your gonna drink something like that, I'd go for Mike's hard lemonade
It's basically blackout in a can. I had two of those in a one hour period one night. I don't remember anything after that.

They're great if you're just looking to get drunk quick, but I dunno if I'd be able to just sit around and drink one...
man me and my cousin crushed 6 of them in one night ... 3 a piece had me all sorts of ways ... thats what i get for %$@++! with them youngins and that new %%$! ... i grew up on MD 20/20, not this energy/alcohol @$**#$%# ...
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