4 Lokos !!

I'm gonna mash on one of these next week and report back to ya'll....I have a feeling that it will NOT end well.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

I'm gonna go ahead and call ducktales on anyone who claims they drank more than 2 and didn't black out and/or get really sick.

Just 2?  My boy does atleast 3 every thursday.
 @%@$ is disgusting... like MD 20/20 in a can
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

I'm gonna go ahead and call ducktales on anyone who claims they drank more than 2 and didn't black out and/or get really sick.
It's not too hard to build tolerance for these things. I used to do 1 and call it a night, but after awhile 2 is solid. Now every once in awhile I become bold and do 2.5-3 and it's a wrap. *insert HT emoticon*

First time I tried one, it was the watermelon flavor with ice cubes. The ice cubes watered it down, but I still got a good buzz.

Second time was with no ice cubes and by the end of the night I was gone (threw up, etc).

Originally Posted by Storm2006

I'm gonna mash on one of these next week and report back to ya'll....I have a feeling that it will NOT end well.

nope, it won't

especially if you try to down a can as quick as possible.  #+%* will have you all kinds of sloppy
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

I'm gonna go ahead and call ducktales on anyone who claims they drank more than 2 and didn't black out and/or get really sick.

#@%%$ sneak up on you wit the quickness

And is it me or does it really !%@% your stomach up afterwards. I've only had them twice though.
havent had 4 loko but ive had joose. which is basically the same thing.

all i know is that KILLED my insides. was on the toilet all day the next day.

never again. ill just drink vodka and redbull.
4 loko, Joose, Max Vibe they all DESTROY your stomach next day having to sit on the toilet FYL.
4 loko is **%@. I'f im going cheap i just get 40 of hurricane and call it good. I'd rather sip on Camo than 4 loko fruity %%+
lol, my sister bought me one and its been in the fridge for about 3 weeks now. Def. dont think im going to be drinking it either...
Didnt know they had so many flavors. joose be messing me up cuz i have no clue what i'm drinking. after 2, I be done
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