48÷2(9+3) = ???

Originally Posted by ForeverDecember21

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Answer is 2


() first
 this is the /thread moron. 
Originally Posted by Aze201

I have my math major friend helping me out here, and I agree with his logic

Then I'm sure your math major friend would tell you it's a poorly written equation and according to what program/convention you are using you could get either answer.
He did agree it's poorly written, but his logic for getting 288 is sound, and I, too, would submit that answer on a test with 100% confidence, as I stated in my previous post.
Originally Posted by Aze201

I have my math major friend helping me out here, and I agree with his logic

Then I'm sure your math major friend would tell you it's a poorly written equation and according to what program/convention you are using you could get either answer.
He did agree it's poorly written, but his logic for getting 288 is sound, and I, too, would submit that answer on a test with 100% confidence, as I stated in my previous post.
Originally Posted by The R0yal Family

The answer is 2. Some of y'all were in the slow classes growing up.

1: 48/ 2(9+3)
2: 48/ (2*9)+(2*3)
3: 48/ (18)+(6)
4: 48/ (24) or 24
5: 2


1: 48/ 2(9+3)
2: 48/ 2(12)
3: 48/ 24
4: 2

I see where the confusion is coming from

Step 2 in bold. These other people are saying well, lets just write it 48/ 2*12..... If thats the case, then yes, go left to right and you get 288. But you gotta dead that parenthesis first. and step 3 above does that.
Originally Posted by The R0yal Family

The answer is 2. Some of y'all were in the slow classes growing up.

1: 48/ 2(9+3)
2: 48/ (2*9)+(2*3)
3: 48/ (18)+(6)
4: 48/ (24) or 24
5: 2


1: 48/ 2(9+3)
2: 48/ 2(12)
3: 48/ 24
4: 2

I see where the confusion is coming from

Step 2 in bold. These other people are saying well, lets just write it 48/ 2*12..... If thats the case, then yes, go left to right and you get 288. But you gotta dead that parenthesis first. and step 3 above does that.
Originally Posted by OptimusADL

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Originally Posted by OptimusADL

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Who's adding parenthesis? I was just distributing the parenthetical expressions into a binomial.

ab(c+d) would be the same as (abc + abd)
So following that model a/b(c+d) is the same as ((a/b)c+(a/b)d).

There are no parentheses around the b(c+d) so you should be distributing "a/b" or "1/b" not just "b".
Yea but it doesn't work like that. You can only distribute multiplication. This just so happens to be a part of the parenthetical expression.
You arent making sense. .5 is 1/2 just different forms of the same number.
1/2x = 1/2(x) = 0.5x

1/2x != 1/(2x)

This is why parentheses are important.
Okay, but you're still changing the equation to make "2" it's own entity, when it's forever tied to (9+3), which isn't possible. If there was a multiplication sign between the 2 and (9+3), then that may very well work.
Originally Posted by mosk33toe

Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by StrongMind3


No matter how you do that equation, its going to be 1 

This problem is a little more misleading than that. That equation is just awkward on the eyes at first glance. 

It will not always be 1. For all the people that are saying PEMDAS infers that Multiplication has more priority than Division, this means that Addition has more priority than Subtraction.  Therefore they would compute this 1-1+1 = 1-(2) = -1.

Case in point... the answer is 288

-Signed your resident UCLA Math Major
UCLA Math Major? Word?
1 - 1 + 1 will ALWAYS be 1.

(1 - 1) + 1 = 1

1 + (-1 +1) = 1  


1 - 1 = 1 + (-1)
Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

a: 48/2(9+3) = b: 48/ (2(9+3))

Even if Multi = Division, b shows that you still gotta solve, first, what's in the parenthesis. Which will still lead you to 2.


yeah, because you changed the problem when you added parenthesis  
48/2(9+3) =/=  48/ (2(9+3))

     288     =/=     2
Originally Posted by OptimusADL

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Originally Posted by OptimusADL

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Who's adding parenthesis? I was just distributing the parenthetical expressions into a binomial.

ab(c+d) would be the same as (abc + abd)
So following that model a/b(c+d) is the same as ((a/b)c+(a/b)d).

There are no parentheses around the b(c+d) so you should be distributing "a/b" or "1/b" not just "b".
Yea but it doesn't work like that. You can only distribute multiplication. This just so happens to be a part of the parenthetical expression.
You arent making sense. .5 is 1/2 just different forms of the same number.
1/2x = 1/2(x) = 0.5x

1/2x != 1/(2x)

This is why parentheses are important.
Okay, but you're still changing the equation to make "2" it's own entity, when it's forever tied to (9+3), which isn't possible. If there was a multiplication sign between the 2 and (9+3), then that may very well work.
Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

a: 48/2(9+3) = b: 48/ (2(9+3))

Even if Multi = Division, b shows that you still gotta solve, first, what's in the parenthesis. Which will still lead you to 2.


yeah, because you changed the problem when you added parenthesis  
48/2(9+3) =/=  48/ (2(9+3))

     288     =/=     2
Originally Posted by mosk33toe

Originally Posted by hella handsome

Originally Posted by StrongMind3


No matter how you do that equation, its going to be 1 

This problem is a little more misleading than that. That equation is just awkward on the eyes at first glance. 

It will not always be 1. For all the people that are saying PEMDAS infers that Multiplication has more priority than Division, this means that Addition has more priority than Subtraction.  Therefore they would compute this 1-1+1 = 1-(2) = -1.

Case in point... the answer is 288

-Signed your resident UCLA Math Major
UCLA Math Major? Word?
1 - 1 + 1 will ALWAYS be 1.

(1 - 1) + 1 = 1

1 + (-1 +1) = 1  


1 - 1 = 1 + (-1)
Originally Posted by StrongMind3


someone please tell me how this is wrong?

Well. Parentheses are first so its (9+3) which leaves (12). The equation now becomes 48/2 x 12
Because this is a math equation, you will start from left to right. So that means you divide first THEN multiple. The answer is 288.

You guys are doing distribution when you should be dividing first.

PEMDAS It's Multiple or Divide which ever precedes first.
Originally Posted by OptimusADL

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Originally Posted by OptimusADL

So following that model a/b(c+d) is the same as ((a/b)c+(a/b)d).

There are no parentheses around the b(c+d) so you should be distributing "a/b" or "1/b" not just "b".
Yea but it doesn't work like that. You can only distribute multiplication. This just so happens to be a part of the parenthetical expression.
You arent making sense. 0.5 is 1/2 just different forms of the same number.
1/2x = 1/2(x) = 0.5x

1/2x != 1/(2x)

This is why parentheses are important.
Can't you just re-write that
[h3]÷2[/h3]at the start as (1/2) with no repercussions?

If I'm wrong in saying so then my logic is flawed.
Originally Posted by StrongMind3


someone please tell me how this is wrong?

Well. Parentheses are first so its (9+3) which leaves (12). The equation now becomes 48/2 x 12
Because this is a math equation, you will start from left to right. So that means you divide first THEN multiple. The answer is 288.

You guys are doing distribution when you should be dividing first.

PEMDAS It's Multiple or Divide which ever precedes first.
Originally Posted by OptimusADL

Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Originally Posted by OptimusADL

So following that model a/b(c+d) is the same as ((a/b)c+(a/b)d).

There are no parentheses around the b(c+d) so you should be distributing "a/b" or "1/b" not just "b".
Yea but it doesn't work like that. You can only distribute multiplication. This just so happens to be a part of the parenthetical expression.
You arent making sense. 0.5 is 1/2 just different forms of the same number.
1/2x = 1/2(x) = 0.5x

1/2x != 1/(2x)

This is why parentheses are important.
Can't you just re-write that
[h3]÷2[/h3]at the start as (1/2) with no repercussions?

If I'm wrong in saying so then my logic is flawed.
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