48÷2(9+3) = ???

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

It's 288. If you don't know why, it can't be explained to you.

Einstein's a crackhead and doesn't know what he's talking about.
lol EInstein a crackhead now thats funny
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

It's 288. If you don't know why, it can't be explained to you.

Einstein's a crackhead and doesn't know what he's talking about.
lol EInstein a crackhead now thats funny
62 pages for a math problem

The answer is 2
Originally Posted by iladakilla

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

It's 288. If you don't know why, it can't be explained to you.

Einstein's a crackhead and doesn't know what he's talking about.
lol EInstein a crackhead now thats funny
I mean, sure, if you're travelling the speed of light at the time, the answer is 2, but that's impossible due to the infinite amount of energy needed to generate such speeds on a nonzero mass.
Originally Posted by iladakilla

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

It's 288. If you don't know why, it can't be explained to you.

Einstein's a crackhead and doesn't know what he's talking about.
lol EInstein a crackhead now thats funny
I mean, sure, if you're travelling the speed of light at the time, the answer is 2, but that's impossible due to the infinite amount of energy needed to generate such speeds on a nonzero mass.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

^ google the rule of juxtaposition and find any credible source that says it's true. I've looked and the any time it is brought up is in threads about this equation.

the thing about the rule of juxtaposition is that nobody would factor in the rule of juxtaposition for a quanity that doesn't involve a variable. like... 48/2x, okay yes the x belonged to the 2. it's not whether or not you believe in the rule of juxtaposition, because it does take precedence, but usually in quantities that have variables.

the way that the equation is written is 48/2x12. you're supposed to drop the parentheses after you do it.
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

^ google the rule of juxtaposition and find any credible source that says it's true. I've looked and the any time it is brought up is in threads about this equation.

the thing about the rule of juxtaposition is that nobody would factor in the rule of juxtaposition for a quanity that doesn't involve a variable. like... 48/2x, okay yes the x belonged to the 2. it's not whether or not you believe in the rule of juxtaposition, because it does take precedence, but usually in quantities that have variables.

the way that the equation is written is 48/2x12. you're supposed to drop the parentheses after you do it.
Why don't we add quantities in a real life scenario to this problem to see what the answer truly is,.
Say your equation for figuring out how much you get paid for a job is as follows :   

 (Service Fee=$48.00)(Half Off Discount)(Commission =$9.00 +Bonus $3.00)

What would the answer be?
Why don't we add quantities in a real life scenario to this problem to see what the answer truly is,.
Say your equation for figuring out how much you get paid for a job is as follows :   

 (Service Fee=$48.00)(Half Off Discount)(Commission =$9.00 +Bonus $3.00)

What would the answer be?
Originally Posted by Wr

Why don't we add quantities in a real life scenario to this problem to see what the answer truly is,.

because the debate is over two ways to imagine organizing the problem which would work either way if you gave the numbers a scenario.
You can be counting in dollars or oreos and there would still be a debate on whether or not the (9+3) should go in the numerator or denominator.
Originally Posted by Wr

Why don't we add quantities in a real life scenario to this problem to see what the answer truly is,.

because the debate is over two ways to imagine organizing the problem which would work either way if you gave the numbers a scenario.
You can be counting in dollars or oreos and there would still be a debate on whether or not the (9+3) should go in the numerator or denominator.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Its a sad moment in NT history when a math thread goes for 60+ 

Couldnt disagree any stronger.  In fact, this has been one of my favorite threads on NT in a long time.  Nice to talk about something different IMO.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Its a sad moment in NT history when a math thread goes for 60+ 

Couldnt disagree any stronger.  In fact, this has been one of my favorite threads on NT in a long time.  Nice to talk about something different IMO.
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Its a sad moment in NT history when a math thread goes for 60+ 

Couldnt disagree any stronger.  In fact, this has been one of my favorite threads on NT in a long time.  Nice to talk about something different IMO.
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Its a sad moment in NT history when a math thread goes for 60+ 

Couldnt disagree any stronger.  In fact, this has been one of my favorite threads on NT in a long time.  Nice to talk about something different IMO.
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Its a sad moment in NT history when a math thread goes for 60+ 

Couldnt disagree any stronger.  In fact, this has been one of my favorite threads on NT in a long time.  Nice to talk about something different IMO.
If you break it down, this is the same as any hotly contested thread on NT. Just like a debate on religion, Kobe vs. Calbert Chaeney, etc., there are two sides, unable to see eye-to-eye on some fundamental logic.
The question is, is debating the parenthesis on a math problem an advancement of human debate? Like is this what humans will go to war over in a thousand years? Or is this what people went to war over thousands of years ago? Like is zero a number? WAR. Is 1/0 infinity or undefined? NATO DECLARES WAR ON LIBYA. Are there an infinite number of prime numbers? TERRORISTS DECLARE WAR ON USA. 2 or 288? ALLIED FORCES INVADE NORMANDY.
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Its a sad moment in NT history when a math thread goes for 60+ 

Couldnt disagree any stronger.  In fact, this has been one of my favorite threads on NT in a long time.  Nice to talk about something different IMO.
If you break it down, this is the same as any hotly contested thread on NT. Just like a debate on religion, Kobe vs. Calbert Chaeney, etc., there are two sides, unable to see eye-to-eye on some fundamental logic.
The question is, is debating the parenthesis on a math problem an advancement of human debate? Like is this what humans will go to war over in a thousand years? Or is this what people went to war over thousands of years ago? Like is zero a number? WAR. Is 1/0 infinity or undefined? NATO DECLARES WAR ON LIBYA. Are there an infinite number of prime numbers? TERRORISTS DECLARE WAR ON USA. 2 or 288? ALLIED FORCES INVADE NORMANDY.
Originally Posted by waystinthyme

Originally Posted by waystinthyme

Originally Posted by waystinthyme

notice that since the beginning of the thread...

people have converted from the 2 crowd to the 288 crowd, but NO ONE has converted from the 288 crowd to the 2 crowd.

strange, huh?

reposted from page 24...



it's great to see a couple of more 2 to 288 converts...still not a single person has converted from 288 to 2. 

there's still time for rest of ya'll...
  1. pay attention to the facts
  2. stop adding parentheses, instead of simply solving the problem as it was originally written
  3. stop using a 'rule of juxtaposition' when you can't cite three legitimate sources that state the rule actually exists
  4. follow the order of operations (PEDMAS) throughout the problem instead of only when it leads you to the answer you'd like to see...
...and you'll eventually end up with the right answer.
team 288.

Originally Posted by waystinthyme

Originally Posted by waystinthyme

Originally Posted by waystinthyme

notice that since the beginning of the thread...

people have converted from the 2 crowd to the 288 crowd, but NO ONE has converted from the 288 crowd to the 2 crowd.

strange, huh?

reposted from page 24...



it's great to see a couple of more 2 to 288 converts...still not a single person has converted from 288 to 2. 

there's still time for rest of ya'll...
  1. pay attention to the facts
  2. stop adding parentheses, instead of simply solving the problem as it was originally written
  3. stop using a 'rule of juxtaposition' when you can't cite three legitimate sources that state the rule actually exists
  4. follow the order of operations (PEDMAS) throughout the problem instead of only when it leads you to the answer you'd like to see...
...and you'll eventually end up with the right answer.
team 288.

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