5 & A DIME

Big ups to Jay/5&A Dime! I appreciate the effort in holding me a sz XL in the multi-color shop tee. Although, the sz L fit just fine. Thanks for the discount too, bro. I'm looking to the 5&ADIMExIRONS tee. The design sounds real dope. I'll be sure to stop by whenever I'm in SD.

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Jay, I got your email but I accedently deleted it before I even read it. Was it regarding the new batch of the green shop tee I need to pick up?
Cros.. That came out good.. I guess mine got made after all.. The only thing is that they shipped it to the Costa Mesa Blends... Heh
5 & A DIME
Ike Turnah: What do you mean? Thats it?

Pics of the new Irons stuff is on the way.
5 & A DIME
haha nothin dawg just that was it no story or anything, after i clicked reply i figured it might be taken wrong. It's a dope store though, that was my first time hitting up any spots in SD (blends and 5 & Dime) but my homies showed me around.
[email protected]
Jay is secretly a mexican immigrant and is closed for today! Oops its not a secret anymore. My bad. :b

I miss the good ole' days no camp-outs for J's
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