5 Strangest & Most Mysterious Videos On The Internet

The only thing kinda creepy is Elisa lam. The chains swinging had my curiosity, but it's just too short for me to be creeped out...

Mirror video fake as a mug [emoji]128514[/emoji] [emoji]128514[/emoji] :lol: ...all that dramatic music and such...

It's actually not but whatever helps you sleep bro. Obviously the original didn't have the music.

Honestly, what makes you think it's real?
The only thing kinda creepy is Elisa lam. The chains swinging had my curiosity, but it's just too short for me to be creeped out...

Mirror video fake as a mug [emoji]128514[/emoji] [emoji]128514[/emoji] :lol: ...all that dramatic music and such...

It's actually not but whatever helps you sleep bro. Obviously the original didn't have the music.

Honestly, what makes you think it's real?

It would be very difficult to fake. The better question is what makes anyone think it's not real? If you don't believe it's real that's fine but don't say stupid **** like, it's fake cuz the music lol.
Mirrors aint no joke. I remember spending the night at my sisters house and waking up to go pee. Didnt close the door all the way. Mid stream i see someone in the mirror, looks like someone walking down the hall to use the restroom. thought it was my nephew. I said, "Im in here" about three times and they kept waking towards the restroom. When they got close I slammed the door shut, peed all over myself and on the wall. Cant explain the face I saw, like something straight from a horror movie. Like a zombie face with long sharp teeth smiling from ear to ear.
Mirrors aint no joke. I remember spending the night at my sisters house and waking up to go pee. Didnt close the door all the way. Mid stream i see someone in the mirror, looks like someone walking down the hall to use the restroom. thought it was my nephew. I said, "Im in here" about three times and they kept waking towards the restroom. When they got close I slammed the door shut, peed all over myself and on the wall. Cant explain the face I saw, like something straight from a horror movie. Like a zombie face with long sharp teeth smiling from ear to ear.

View media item 1944654
Mirrors aint no joke. I remember spending the night at my sisters house and waking up to go pee. Didnt close the door all the way. Mid stream i see someone in the mirror, looks like someone walking down the hall to use the restroom. thought it was my nephew. I said, "Im in here" about three times and they kept waking towards the restroom. When they got close I slammed the door shut, peed all over myself and on the wall. Cant explain the face I saw, like something straight from a horror movie. Like a zombie face with long sharp teeth smiling from ear to ear.

Are you being serious
Actually i had a similar situation, i remember spending the night at my brothers house and waking up to go pee. Didnt close the door all the way. Mid stream i hear someone looking around in my room.... I said, "Im in here" about three times and they kept rustlin around in there. When i was done i went back and turned the light on and this was sittin on my bed.

View media item 1944858
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Witch video is obviously fake :lol: How dude gonna keep following her and then cry when she starts walking towards.

Drive, reverse, drive, reverse :lol:

I mean you say that now but like to turn around, what if the thing runs and jumps on your car or something?

It's just scary

And don't know til you're in that situation
It's true but I don't know if y'all heard this but

You're not supposed to look into your eyes for too long in the mirror. It can mess you up

Never googled it but go ahead... [emoji]129300[/emoji]
Straight nonsense in this thread 
In the house I grew up in, there was a mirror at the base of the stairs. I remember running up to my room to grab my gameboy and when i ran down the stairs, past the mirror, I saw an old lady staring at me. I get in the car, buckle, my seat belt and then realized what I saw...and started crying.

Another experience was when my brother and I shared rooms...we were in our beds when my brother tells me to hide. I asked him why and he told me the mirror, I looked and it was a man that climbed out the mirror, walked across the room, and out the door.

I believe all these things happened to me growing up, because my mom played with the Quija board and entertained these evil spirits and it followed her.

Spiritual warfare is something I don't take lightly.
In the house I grew up in, there was a mirror at the base of the stairs. I remember running up to my room to grab my gameboy and when i ran down the stairs, past the mirror, I saw an old lady staring at me. I get in the car, buckle, my seat belt and then realized what I saw...and started crying.

Another experience was when my brother and I shared rooms...we were in our beds when my brother tells me to hide. I asked him why and he told me the mirror, I looked and it was a man that climbed out the mirror, walked across the room, and out the door.

I believe all these things happened to me growing up, because my mom played with the Quija board and entertained these evil spirits and it followed her.

Spiritual warfare is something I don't take lightly.
Brah I got goosebumps reading this post.
Brah I got goosebumps reading this post.
Yeah, I had a very interesting time growing up experiencing the supernatural. There are some experiences to this day, where my brother chooses not to talk about it. I don't blame him.

And, I heard the theories of that only old houses "entice" apparitions/evil spirits...I believe they can show up, because my parents have a fairly new house and they tell me the always see a 'shadow' that runs up the stairs, from time to time.

I do my best to not entertain anything that I hear or think I see. Just go about my business and move on.
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