#5 USC at #10 Oregon - 5:00pm PDT - ABC/ESPN2 - The Autzen Reaper

Originally Posted by jville819

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by jville819

How is Oregon ranked 5 spots lower than SC???
Because we flubbed up a game against the smurfs.

SC lost to a team that didn't win a game last year and is still terrible this year. Y'all lost to a top 10 team and earlier on in the season.
Yeah, but Oregon doesn't have the consistency that USC has had in the past. Only legacy teams can cake walk to high rankings, and the rest ofthe teams have to earn it.
Oregon fans, do you think you'll jump BSU if you win out and BSU wins out and do you think that would be legitimate and one more question as I ramble wouldyou like a rematch in a BCS game?
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by jville819

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by jville819

How is Oregon ranked 5 spots lower than SC???
Because we flubbed up a game against the smurfs.

SC lost to a team that didn't win a game last year and is still terrible this year. Y'all lost to a top 10 team and earlier on in the season.
Yeah, but Oregon doesn't have the consistency that USC has had in the past. Only legacy teams can cake walk to high rankings, and the rest of the teams have to earn it.

oh hush up.

you got completely outplayed first game of the season to a lower ranked boise state team. your team looked AWFUL. and continued to look AWFUL for two gamesafter. you deserved to drop to #18 or whatever it was in the polls.

USC beat a very high ranked Ohio State team before they lost to Washington on the road on a last minute field goal, a washington team that did lose gamesfollowing that but looked a lot better.

Since that Washington game, USC has looked just as good as Oregon, so as far as your current rank goes, blame your offense and the voters who dropped you sofar in the polls to begin with. Don't reach for excuses.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

you got completely outplayed first game of the season to a lower ranked boise state team.

Boise was 12 and Oregon was 14.

a washington team that did lose games following that but looked a lot better.

Oh hush up.

Washington got destroyed in their home stadium by the Ducks. Oregon beat Purdue, who beat Ohio State...

What happened in the past doesn't matter - only this game matters. We could play this whole "WELL IF..." game all week long, but it's tired.

As far as BSU, if Oregon wins out then they'll probably be higher than Boise State and that's fine by me.
Originally Posted by Where Are You Harold Miner 2

Oregon fans, do you think you'll jump BSU if you win out and BSU wins out and do you think that would be legitimate and one more question as I ramble would you like a rematch in a BCS game?
We should jump BSU. But we probably wont. My guess: BSU at 6th, Oregon at 7th. It should be reversed, but voters dont forget the past no mattermuch better Oregon is these days.
Yes it would be legit. If you have to ask why please retire from life.
I would not like a rematch. I want to play different teams, and the hostility that would ensue at the game wouldn't be good for anyone. And BSU needs toprove that they can beat more than one good team.

Since that Washington game, USC has looked just as good as Oregon, so as far as your current rank goes, blame your offense and the voters who dropped you so far in the polls to begin with. Don't reach for excuses.
Come on, Nako. You're better than that. USC barely beat Notre Dame, and just escaped a game against Oregon State at home. Oregon justembaressed the team that beat USC and beat UCLA pretty convincingly.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by jville819

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by jville819

How is Oregon ranked 5 spots lower than SC???
Because we flubbed up a game against the smurfs.

SC lost to a team that didn't win a game last year and is still terrible this year. Y'all lost to a top 10 team and earlier on in the season.
Yeah, but Oregon doesn't have the consistency that USC has had in the past. Only legacy teams can cake walk to high rankings, and the rest of the teams have to earn it.

oh hush up.

you got completely outplayed first game of the season to a lower ranked boise state team. your team looked AWFUL. and continued to look AWFUL for two games after. you deserved to drop to #18 or whatever it was in the polls.

USC beat a very high ranked Ohio State team before they lost to Washington on the road on a last minute field goal, a washington team that did lose games following that but looked a lot better.

Since that Washington game, USC has looked just as good as Oregon, so as far as your current rank goes, blame your offense and the voters who dropped you so far in the polls to begin with. Don't reach for excuses.
Using Ohio State didn't help your argument any. Plus both teams played terrible in the Oregon vs BSU game, so **@# with that completelyoutplayed bs. That game was hard to watch regardless of which team you're rooting for. Also Boise St. hasn't exactly played stellar this season aswell. Oh they beat the living hell out of Hawi'i, welcome to the exclusive club of everyone. I would also like to know where I said USC hadn't beenplaying as good as Oregon. I think they have a very legitimate chance of winning this weekend, and I'd be an idiot to think otherwise. Quit being sodefensive, good lordy loo.
I swear Duck fans are only ever doing two things...
1) Gossiping about what clothes their going to wear
2) Talking about a bunch of "what if" scenarios...both past and present.


I was wondering when our token Washington fan was going to make an appearance. He literally cannot stay out of Oregon threads, and says the same %@$+ everysingle time. Good to see.

The best part about it... he says some dumb %@$+ about "Talking about a bunch of "what if" scenarios..." when NON-OREGON FANS brought themup. How silly.
The only person that mentioned the insanity known as Oregon's uniforms was CP, and I see no what if's in this thread. Granted it's only been twodays, but why you mad?
whatever, usc's better, ur team wears silly tights


the funny thing is i actually like the ducks.




(all crack)

i just cant stand when people go into the whole "why are we ranked so low???" whining bit when they know damn well why.
Fizzy better pretend to be a Ducks fan... I'm dead +*+ serious, dudes are going to start drinking at like 6 AM for Gameday and not stop until they pass outor die.
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by Where Are You Harold Miner 2

Oregon fans, do you think you'll jump BSU if you win out and BSU wins out and do you think that would be legitimate and one more question as I ramble would you like a rematch in a BCS game?
We should jump BSU. But we probably wont. My guess: BSU at 6th, Oregon at 7th. It should be reversed, but voters dont forget the past no matter much better Oregon is these days.
Yes it would be legit. If you have to ask why please retire from life.
I would not like a rematch. I want to play different teams, and the hostility that would ensue at the game wouldn't be good for anyone. And BSU needs to prove that they can beat more than one good team.
Oregon had their best running back Blount and a healthy Masoli and BSU did not play that well and pretty much dominated the entire game

If you Oregon and Boise win out I think Boise has to be ahead of Oregon - 4th to 6th with Oregon one spot behind
This is going to be a good $+* game.

SC's defense will come to play. Canfield was shredding the defense last week, and Quizz did his thing.

These guys need to go for the jugular, defense has let the team back in the game the past two games.

The offense is clicking so that is

Pac 10 title game
Originally Posted by fearthenut

Originally Posted by Chester McFloppy
Yo Chester....did you go to high school in the 541? What year you graduate?
June 2009.

Oregon had their best running back Blount and a healthy Masoli and BSU did not play that well and pretty much dominated the entire game

It was the first game of the season and the team had zero identity. And with the way James is playing, I wouldn't exactly say Blount is the"best" running back.

It's not Oregon's fault that they have a MUCH stronger schedule than BSU.
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