$52 Billion in Black Friday Sales

Originally Posted by gpsandhu4

Originally Posted by rashi

99% was on credit, not actual money.


$0 came from me,

I'd rather get some sleep, not deal with crazy people, and pay retail.
Originally Posted by DajonDondo

didnt need anything.. so i didmt buy anything.

What a crazy idea.
To think that if people thought this rationally we wouldn't be in the mess we are now.
I wish the supermarket had a black Friday sale, only money I spent this weekend was on groceries.
Lol the irony is...I highly doubt wall street execs were out there fighting over $2 waffle makers and Xbox 360s

Something to think about in this whole OWS Movement.
Man I still don't get why people buy all the pointless Blu-Rays and DVD's, unless it is some totally epic movie or TV show chances are I am not going to watch it multiple times, and if I want to I can netflix it. I didn't buy anything on Black Friday, most of the stuff that goes on sale anyways is a bunch of junk and everyone thinks they are getting a deal. Buying a bunch of stuff that nobody needs because it is on sale
As previously posted most of that stuff was bought with credit cards, and you wonder why the economy is the way it is. People get caught up and spend beyond their means. Have to love the American way.

BronLe wrote:
Lol the irony is...I highly doubt wall street execs were out there fighting over $2 waffle makers and Xbox 360s

Something to think about in this whole OWS Movement.

Damn right man, if you had that kind of money would you be out there fighting crowds to save a couple bucks?  You have these lame commercials and sale ads brainwashing people into thinking they can get a deal, and most of those people can't afford to be spending that money in the first place.
How is the biggest shopping day of the year connected to the hungry?  It would be great if those people donated all that money to shelters and charities but that's not realistic.  There's already programs and organizations to help the less fortunate out unless you are talking about people in other countries.  It's a good boost for this economy.
Originally Posted by Jello B Afro

i read that it was like $11.5 billion somewhere else, which seems a lot more credible

haven't purchased one damn thing this entire week. not one

feel pretty good about that

Yeah, $52 Billion is false. EVERYBODY not eating THAT good now....

It's pretty unbelievable. I get a kick out of looking at the Amazon hourly deals.. 8gb Flash drive for $8 bucks, plus shipping. Ebay has the same ones for maybe 75 cents more. But people see the initial list price and believe 74% off is a great deal. More people care about the deals they think they got than the actual products that they need or don't need. Some of these electronics barely have any reviews and have been out for 6 months.. It's quite sad how companies are taking advantage of people.

Deals can definitely be had, and one can do a lot with a little money. But more than anything, it just doesn't seem like many consumers care to educate themselves. At the end of the day, these big box companies have to be laughing so hard at the ease at which they can string the majority of us along.
Well, consumers have been getting smarter but you'll always have the impulse buyers who buy stuff just because something's on sale.  I like seeing when people apply discounts on top of discounts and show that they are an educated consumer.
i spent 150 on gifts for 4 of my fam and 200 on myself although my sister is paying me a 100 for christmas.... and my pops contributed to black friday as well... he got new tires for 800 and bought an hdtv for 800....
Well, consumers have been getting smarter but you'll always have the impulse buyers who buy stuff just because something's on sale.  I like seeing when people apply discounts on top of discounts and show that they are an educated consumer.

this is why i didnt buy jack from polo at least for myself... i bought something for my pops and bro in law because i was desperate to buy them an xmas gift... but for myself i passed... 30 percent off everything retail at polo is a complete rip off
I consider myself a smart consumer, a frugal one at that, always looking for the best possible deal.  Not just on black friday but year round.

Many of these deals can be found year round if you play your cards right and use the internet as a resource (fatwallet, slickdeals).  Money stacks for this time of year, and it was just the "right time".  Jeans I scooped up, price was too good to pass up.  Cole Haans, DSW usually has good deals anyway but the extra 20%
$150+ designer shoes for $30.

@ the comments in this thread.  "If only people bought what they need..."  C'mon now, you don't really need the internet yet we are on it.  We don't really need cars, but we drive them.  Holier than thou attitude gets you nowhere.

The shame is people going crazy over these things, because in reality, this can really be a fun event unfortunately it isn't handled well by consumers, poorly trained staff and the companies that hold these sales.
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