56 year old Detroit man walks about 21 miles per day to get to work...

I moved to Cali 10 months ago w/ $300
I now have my own place, a moped, and putting a down payment on a whip with tax refund. This guy has had a decade of tax refunds, something's up. Just sayin
Gets back at 4 am and wakes up at 6 
lulz @ folks donating to this obvious scam, you think a dude who gets two hours a sleep per day would be able to continue walking that long as distance everyday, let alone do what hes required to do for his job?

Robertson looks forward to being around his coworkers, saying, "We're like a family."

lulz but this family couldn't offer you a ride or pitch in to get you a bike/car?
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How do you start these things? About to claim I walk X about of miles to work for 5 bucks an hour for an hour, just to get home, turn around, and do it again. ZERO sleep.

Donate today!
some people are just accustomed to living a certain way, they get use to it and find it hard to change. 
hopefully this isn't some dirty scheme and salute to this man.

I met a girl last year, she walks 5 miles to take her daughter to school another 5 to her bus stop then has to catch 4 buses to work a Wendys shift @ $8.50hr . My homies wife had a job @ UT pulling $12hr an with a day care and she turned it down.
I met a girl last year, she walks 5 miles to take her daughter to school another 5 to her bus stop then has to catch 4 buses to work a Wendys shift @ $8.50hr . My homies wife had a job @ UT pulling $12hr an with a day care and she turned it down.

It's really like that in texas? :x
How the hell is it legal to employ someone if it makes them sleep 2 hours a day? That's beyond unhealthy.
he works 8 hours a day like everyone else

not the companies problem he chooses to walk to work for some reason 

what he does on his own time is his problem
Sons been working there a decade what where they giving him a penny a year in raises smh
Dude might as well commit and try again next lifetime.

Idgaf if you gave me a spaceship traveling 2x faster than the speed of light, that **** ain't making up for walking 80% of my life to go to work to make someone else rich.

Let's just hope he dies soon. For his sake. Life must be rough living in that kind of mindset.

I really hope this story is bull****. I don't want to believe any human is a that ******* pathetic, seriously.
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Dude might as well commit and try again next lifetime.

Idgaf if you gave me a spaceship traveling 2x faster than the speed of light, that **** ain't making up for walking 80% of my life to go to work to make someone else rich.

Let's just hope he dies soon.

See now this is just stupid
Regardless he's now 70,000$ richer and will be able to better his life outside of buying a car. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't land a new job along with this also.
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