56 year old Detroit man walks about 21 miles per day to get to work...

Regardless he's now 70,000$ richer and will be able to better his life outside of buying a car. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't land a new job along with this also.

Again, how do I start this and how do I cash the check?
So life basically revolves around walking and working and then on your 2 days off on the weekend sleeping and resting your weary body for 250 a week afrer tax. I'm going to say buddy doing something wrong in life. IMO
That humblebrag for no god damn reason
LOL that doesn't even sound like a humblebrag...he sound like he's on some broke boy troy ish, but is being smart enough to do what he has to do.  Either way, I'd like to hear the full story as well 
Yeah, that time frame isn't adding up. Dude is either sleeping at work or is literally dying
For real. After a week of only getting 2 hours of sleep and walking 20 miles a day would have a person in the hospital. But he's been doing it for 10 years.
After thinking about it, something doesn't add up. He's been doing this for a decade and only makes $10.50 an hour????

Homie in 10 years never thought about finding a gig closer to home? I know the economy in Detroit is bad, but he could have been on some day worker, fast food, tip . Something, other than that misery.
For real. After a week of only getting 2 hours of sleep and walking 20 miles a day would have a person in the hospital. But he's been doing it for 10 years.

There is one way that would work. He would have to be eating an enormous amount of food to sustain the amount of calories burned and the sleep depervation. Fishermen and others hard labor workers that work sometimes 14-15 hours at a time do this to compensate.

I'm not going to channel my nutritionist math skills but the numbers (calorie wise) would be large. Next question is wouldn't he be spending all the money he made on the food needed for him to just survive? :lol:
After thinking about it, something doesn't add up. He's been doing this for a decade and only makes $10.50 an hour????

Homie in 10 years never thought about finding a gig closer to home? I know the economy in Detroit is bad, but he could have been on some day worker, fast food, tip . Something, other than that misery.

Finding a job in Detroit w/ his limited skills ( and I'm guessing limited education also) and his age, and finding a job that pays more than what he's making now? I'm pretty sure it's impossible.

Let's not forget other mitigating factors :nerd:
props to this guy... much respect! but you have to ask yourself sometimes is it really worth it? i mean he sleeps like 2 hours a day :smh:
In order for him to get through a week of work on 2hrs of sleep a night, he's prolly on blow. Dude's money has to go to supporting his cocaine addiction.
This man couldn't save a hundred a month for a decade to have some safety net

Is this the ultimate hustle of 2015?
Word because everybody can just get a different job so easily :lol:
Ain't no jobs here. I used to work at a Lil plant when I was 19 and all the older dudes been there for years was making 30 cent more than me. Started at 10 a hr and 8 years later u make 10.50 [emoji]128514[/emoji]. Dudes tell u u max out at 15 but the high seniority guy wasn't close. Dudes always said they couldn't quit cuz it had good benefits which it did but f that.
I feel like a lot of facts were exaggerated in this story. Either way someone's hustle game is on 1000 trillion.
How unaffordable can a hooptie be??...I refuse to believe walking was his only option...that **** makes no sense, I had my first car for 500$ making less than 7$ an hour at Footaction...PART TIME and helping out my mom with bills....chill son...this is America, cars are affordable for anyone
I can't find it in myself to feel sorry for homie..

10 years bruh? 10!!!!

It doesn't take that long to save for no damn car mane... Homie has a girl too, and she can't bring no guap to the table either :smh:
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Ain't ONE coworker offer ole boy a ride at least some of the way at all??? Naw man, more story plot holes
So, I'm looking to get an M3. How do I go about setting up a Fundme? :nerd:
Yeah dude is an idiot....can't believe this got close to 70k in a gofundme....son could have had wheels if he wanted to....I have a feeling he gets that money and won't spend it on a car...

I'm about to set up a GoFundMe so people can feel sorry and fund my fertility treatments :rofl:
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