so ziggler loses this ppv, hes bound to use his rematch clause next ppv (MITB) so how will he participate in the actual MITB ladder match?

man im still
that ziggler lost. he had the most memorable cash-in but the least memorable title run
I'm hoping Ziggler gets his rematch tonight and wins the title back.    Just like when Barrett won his IC back from the Miz on Raw after Mania.
I'm hoping Ziggler gets his rematch tonight and wins the title back.    Just like when Barrett won his IC back from the Miz on Raw after Mania.

:lol: what? No. Why would anyone want this? Give the guy a good redemption build. Have him opt out of trickery in favor of winning matches with gritty effort from the bottom to the top until they conclude the arc, man.
what? No. Why would anyone want this? Give the guy a good redemption build. Have him opt out of trickery in favor of winning matches with gritty effort from the bottom to the top until they conclude the arc, man.
Yeah that would be the way to go but I doubt the WWE writers would do that.  I currently have no faith in them. Only super Cena wins his matches clean.      We have had the same matches for 6 plus months now. 
  So I have doubt in them building up Ziggler as a good face.  I think he was the first guy to ever hold the Heavyweight title for over a month and lose all of his matches. 
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Yeah that would be the way to go but I doubt the WWE writers would do that.  I currently have no faith in them. Only super Cena wins his matches clean.      We have had the same matches for 6 plus months now.  :lol:   So I have doubt in them building up Ziggler as a good face.  I think he was the first guy to ever hold the Heavyweight title for over a month and lose all of his matches.  :smh:

Christian says hello.

Honestly, it's not Dolph's fault. He should have been born taller. You know what the consensus on guys like him are..

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Regarding the same matches for six months, it's why I'm taking a hiatus from wrestling. I'm tired of seeing the same stuff on both Raw and SD every week. What is creative doing? The roster is not thin.
The roster may not be thin, but character wise it for damn sure is :lol: this roster (including NXT) is loaded with pure potential, but everything is untapped and overlooked.

I'm on the fence with the double turn, but I'll wait to really make a judgment on it. Only things I'm concerned about is if they're jumping the gun with that, since other non snark cities may not react the same way. Also, how come Del Rip was initially an interesting face (for like 2 weeks), then came pure boredom?? I was actually digging his act, then it got super stale fast. Oddly enough, Miz is doing a better job in his role, even though he's pretty directionless himself right now.

:rofl: at that gif being a metaphor for burying the entire company. Didn't even think about that, even though it's pretty obvious. Sin Cara should use his action figures gimmick and wear a sling/cast like Owen Hart. And points.
"HHH has been in three 3 Stages of Hell Matches.  He's probably the only guy in the world who could tell you what this match is like."

So HHH was wrestling himself?

No, that means he is only wrestler who has been in this type of match the most, assuming the facts are right. I read the wrestling thread week, even though I'm usually a week late since I'm across the globe, but you are one nitpicking, annoying wrestling fan.
"HHH has been in three 3 Stages of Hell Matches.  He's probably the only guy in the world who could tell you what this match is like."

So HHH was wrestling himself?

No, that means he is only wrestler who has been in this type of match the most, assuming the facts are right. I read the wrestling thread week, even though I'm usually a week late since I'm across the globe, but you are one nitpicking, annoying wrestling fan.

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