Just notice Heath Slater jumping late too
Putting the strap back on Del Rio. Creative has no idea what they are doing. Easily the most stale man on the roster. The belt wouldn't help him period. Did Ziggler even win a match as champion? His run was terrible.
the only good thing about the ziggler/del rio scenario is that the Wyatt Family are probably locks to be heels. I was worried they would of been shucking and jiving two weeks after they debut like a 2013 Oddities. They couldn't have four heel factions, would of been better if they attacked Ziggler/Big E and then, turned them babyface. It was Shield or them, I guess they took the team that was less desirable. 
how are they going to add RVD into the mix if he's debuting at MITB?

are they gonna put him in the MITB match?

if so...does he automatically win? that would be a waste

and if we're on that subject....who does win MITB this year...Daniel Bryan? one of the Wyatt's? Cesaro?

hopefully its someone deserving and not a Sheamus, Orton or someone of that ilk
how are they going to add RVD into the mix if he's debuting at MITB?

are they gonna put him in the MITB match?

if so...does he automatically win? that would be a waste

and if we're on that subject....who does win MITB this year...Daniel Bryan? one of the Wyatt's? Cesaro?

hopefully its someone deserving and not a Sheamus, Orton or someone of that ilk
RVD will not be winning MITB.
Just watched the Ziggler match, I actually don't mind him losing his title. He took a really nice beating and should get it back at MITB.
how are they going to add RVD into the mix if he's debuting at MITB?

are they gonna put him in the MITB match?

if so...does he automatically win? that would be a waste

and if we're on that subject....who does win MITB this year...Daniel Bryan? one of the Wyatt's? Cesaro?

hopefully its someone deserving and not a Sheamus, Orton or someone of that ilk
My prediction is Curtis Axel/Dean Ambrose wins the World Championship MITB. If he goes babyface, Mark Henry wins it and beats Del Rio. Still, don't understand why they haven't booked WSM vs Cena at a PPV. Daniel Bryan wins the WWE MITB . I can see him cashing it in at Summerslam with the whole weakest link storyline. RVD is just taking over Jericho's position in the company. 
It's long overdue for Mysterio to retire, and I think that there is some potential with the Ziggler/ Del Rio feud if they book it the correct way. Would love to see Ziggler get his belt back at the next ppv or at least in time for SummerSlam. They need to make Del Rio a heel again, and have Ziggler as a tweener face and I think they would have some gold to work with this coming summer.
The Del Rio and Swagger/Zeb immigration angle was great IMO, except for the fact that Swagger is terrible. I feel like WWE missed out on something there.
at least Swagger is hurt though, would of been a tag team main event of Del Rio and Swagger vs BIG E and Ziggler on Smackdown this week........I mean, just typical WWE logic..........
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The Del Rio and Swagger/Zeb immigration angle was great IMO, except for the fact that Swagger is terrible. I feel like WWE missed out on something there.

if this was 7 years ago it would have been great except they are marketing to kids now and children don't understand all the issues that illegal immigration encompass. JBL and Eddie could have made this much better and bringing Zeb back then would have been :pimp:
I'm still feeling weird about the Punk/Jericho match. Punk missed the first GTS bad. Honestly, didn't think it was a very good match. Even with the 'rust' story being told.

The Ziggler/Del Rio match was the best stories I've ever seen in a Dolph match. One of the most believable title losses ever, and it creates exciting possibilities for both characters. (Okay, maybe not Del Rio)

Everyone has their work boots on last night. Refreshing to see. Too bad the Shield/Bryan match got cut short.
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I'm still feeling weird about the Punk/Jericho match. Punk missed the first GTS bad. Honestly, didn't think it was a very good match. Even with the 'rust' story being told.

The Ziggler/Del Rio match was the best stories I've ever seen in a Dolph match. One of the most believable title losses ever, and it creates exciting possibilities for both characters. (Okay, maybe not Del Rio)

Everyone has their work boots on last night. Refreshing to see. Too bad the Shield/Bryan match got cut short.

I think this Ziggler/Del Rio thing was the best option in the long run if done properly especially if Punk stays Heel for a while. The only legitimate top face stars the company has now are D Bry and Cena. Ziggler being face will be good especially if Orton goes heel.
John Cena
Wade Barret
Sin Cara

Curtis Axel theme should be "Who's Next" :pimp:
so ziggler loses this ppv, hes bound to use his rematch clause next ppv (MITB) so how will he participate in the actual MITB ladder match?

man im still
that ziggler lost. he had the most memorable cash-in but the least memorable title run
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