I have a feeling RVD return will be disappointing. Can't imagine he has much left after all the injuries
Watched the Spurs instead, didn't feel like looking at two screens, will have to find this somewhere tomorrow to see how lousy that three stages of hell match was. Can't believe Ziggler lost and RVD's coming back for one last go around. Wonder where Heyman factors into all of this.
Eh....I've been to better WWE events....7/10 at best.... Punk vs Jericho, and Axel winning were the best matches. What kills me is that without Punk Jericho, the buyrate could've reached epic lows, so they had to bring back Punk but he doesn't headline the PPV. VKM keeps trolling us

Nothing happened after they went off the air too...smh

Raw coming back to Chicago/Rosemont in September....

Anyways, a few nice pics I had from my phone

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Layla mini-poppin on vine, goodnight ya'll


Oh boy now we get to see rolling thunder on WWE television again!!


I seriously hate the way they announce these returns. I suppose they think it'll boost ratings but it just ruins any sort of excitement for me.
RVD returning :pimp:

MITB in Philly :pimp:

That pop he will get will be :wow:

Him feuding with guys like Ambrose, Barrett, Cesaro, etc., putting them over.

Jess, you plan on going?
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Sounds like it was decent ppv, but still glad I didn't waste $50 on it..Kinda excited to see what goes down on Raw tomorrow..Not excited to see how I did on the survey..:rolleyes
Utter brilliance by Curtis Axel, same old BAN in 4wrestling.

Ziggler getting screwed is a ******g disgrace. I dig the double turn, but whats the point of taking the title off Zig? Whats the point? Not all faces need to be chasing titles.

RVD is gonna be fun to watch. I hope Orton turns heel so they can have RVD get revenge for being punted out the WWE.

Also with ADR going back to heel then Ryback isn't gonna fued for that. So whats left at this point. This seems like the big blowoff to the feud. I mean what could they possibly do now, they threw him a ******g ambulance :lol:

I'm really tired of not seeing all the Heymen guys at once. They need to show them all standing in the ring together its really corny that they haven't do that once.

Spurs win, Axel wins its a good morning for me.
I used to really like Del Rio, but now there is not a single person on the roster that's as stale as he is.

Alberto capturing every singles title in a single night would still only be slightly less boring than a Repo Man return.
Dolph better get the Superkick back if he's going to be a face.

And RVD...his TNA run wasn't that good(from what I watched.) so I'm not all that hyped about it.
Got to admit, that was a dope moment when Axel was handed the IC belt. He was emotional the whole time. The crowd reaction was great, too.
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I think the best moment of the pay per view was Axel winning the IC.     Ziggler losing sucks.   
   Hopefully this sets up Ziggler vs Bryan for the WWE Title this fall. 
    I want to see Punk feud with Del Rio and win the Heavyweight Title.    
Got to admit, that was a dope moment when Axel was handed the IC belt. He was emotional the whole time. The crowd reaction was great, too.

I think the best moment of the pay per view was Axel winning the IC.     Ziggler losing sucks.    :smh:    Hopefully this sets up Ziggler vs Bryan for the WWE Title this fall.  :nthat:     I want to see Punk feud with Del Rio and win the Heavyweight Title.    

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:rofl: Sin Cara's gimmick really should be a slapstick comedian, cause he brings the lulz all the time
why couldn't they have waited for punk to argue with heyman on raw tomorrow. I just don't get wwe. people say its hard to book wrestling shows and im sure it is but im pretty sure i have more sense than these idiots.
Chris Jericho worked the match last night with a torn meniscus.  He will also be going on tour with Fozzy in August and September.

Mark Henry's retirement tease on Twitter most likely is a swerve for tonight.

RVD has signed a limited dates, short term deal with WWE.

The Shield v Bryan/Orton and Cena/Ryback matches were cut short last night due to time constraints.

The Randy Orton heel turn has again been put on hold.

The plan as of last night was still for Cena v Bryan at MITB despite Bryan once again losing.

Credit: Wrestling Observer Radio
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