Has the #metoo movement gone too far?Aziz Ansari sexual misconduct claims & "enthusiastic consent"

Feb 8, 2009
I'm sure most of you guys have heard about the Aziz Ansari sexual misconduct claims by now, if not here's the rundown (here's the article if you want to read it (https://babe.net/2018/01/13/aziz-ansari-28355). He met a female photographer at last year's Emmys, after initially brushing her off he agreed to go on a date with her. After the date they go back to his crib, they start drinking, he gets handsy and this is where things get weird. She says he "ignored clear non-verbal cues” and “kept going with advances.” He says he must have read things wrong and apologized via text.

She ever admits that once she verbalized "no", he stopped:

“After he bent me over is when I stood up and said no, I don’t think I’m ready to do this, I really don’t think I’m going to do this. And he said, ‘How about we just chill, but this time with our clothes on?’”

after that he put on an episode of Seinfeld and called her an uber when she was ready to leave:

These are much murky waters than the more straight forward Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey situations. Those men were in positions of power and could ruin or end their victims careers. Aziz was in no such position. Does this qualify as sexual misconduct or is it simply a guy being an a-hole during a bad hookup? Many Op-eds have been throwing around the idea of "enthusiastic consent": the difference between a coerced, begrudging "ok, I guess" and an enthusiastic, "yes, lets do this".

As a guy, I don't know how to feel about this. First, how is Aziz supposed to be able to read your "non-verbal cues" when he's only met you twice? The moment he heard the word, "no" he stopped.

As for the idea of "enthusiastic consent", I'd argue that's a high bar to set. There have been times I didn't want to have sex with women but I've been convinced and just went along with it. Was that sexual misconduct on her part? So much of sexual relationships is navigating the unspoken. I feel like we're moving closer and closer to the sexual release forms that Dave Chappelle featured in his show.
The part that makes this story especially interest is that Aziz is supposed to be one of the "good guys", he says all the right things, wears the Time's Up pin, etc. If he's capable of "misconduct" like this then who isn't?

I'm sure most of you guys have had bad hookups where you read a girl's signs incorrectly, I sure have. Add alcohol to the mix and everything gets even more complicated. I would hate for them to come out months/years later and say I assaulted them.

My fear is that stories like this one trivialize the #Metoo movement. The movement is uncovering dark underbelly of hollywood which is good, imo. This women had buyer's remorse, that's it. Was Aziz being kind of an a-hole? sure, but this is far from assault.

Also, how are we supposed to gauge enthusiasm?
A lot of these women claim to be strong and empowered yet the onus is still on men to do everything. She thought things would be romantic like on an episode of Master of None but dude was just trying to smash a groupie. She felt like a *** and finally told dude no which he listened to and called her an uber. Now she figured she could ride off the metoo wave talmbout he should have read my mind sooner.
The “Me Too” movement has outed some bad horrible people and it’s a good thing off that.

However this chick is a joke and has no credibility playing lipstick alley while hiding behind anonymity.

He’s a grown man. She’s a grown woman. It’s not his job to read non verbals. She had multiple chances to leave. When he was hitting on her over dinner she could’ve left. When he was in a rush to go back to his place she could’ve left. When he wanted her to bop him up she could’ve said no and left. When he wanted her to bop him up again she could’ve said no and left.

Aziz has access to high power attorneys and I hope he finds a way to air this broads actual name out and destroy her reputation and her financially to prove a point.
He shouldn’t have tried anything else after she said no. He could have asked her to leave after that if he was upset but she should have left as well.

Once she said no, Aziz did stop, they put their clothes back on, chilled on the couch, and he called her an Uber home.
If I read it correctly, she initially relied on “nonverbal” cues at first, and once she actually the word “no”, he stopped and they got dressed to watch tv while waiting for her uber.

That “no” came after stripping and two blow jobs. I have a hard time believing this is more than a case of regret.
They never had vaginal intercourse, just performed oral on each other; she having don’t it twice.

Then he asked “where she wanted him to **** her” and she finally voiced her discomfort, which lead to then getting dressed and her leaving in the uber.
Man, I would say I’ll re read but I’ve read it 3x lol. Too much work, read too many things on this last few months.

Maybe I’m thinking of Cat Person then?
I thought she said no and then they sat on couch and things got hot and heavy again? And then they had intercourse??

Nah, they never had intercourse.

I still think Aziz was an ******* and in the wrong but I just don’t think he sexually assaulted her.
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