My NT Brethren- Are you a good driver?

Aug 20, 2001
ive Been driving up and down the I-95. Peridot today and my lord there are a lot of trash *** drivers out here.

Key Indicators
-Lack of signaling
-Recklessly swerving between lanes at a high speed only for me to ultimately be ahead of you by staying in a single lane
-Staying in the non-turn lane then when you get to the front trying to butt in
-Riding folks’ *** when they are like 15MPH over the limit
-Parking such that if someone took the spot next to you, the doors on one of the sides couldn’t open
-Parallel park jobs where the car is looking like it is are in a different state from the curb.

I would consider myself a pretty good driver although I don’t do it too often. What about you NT? And what are your driving pet peeves?
Only tickets I’ve gotten so far are expired registration and turning right without “stopping”. No speeding tix or anything like that
Only gotten one ticket ever. That was in Des Moines, Iowa as I was making the cross-country drive to VA.

I was scared out of my mind, being a person of color and being pulled over by a cop in Iowa. But he was actually a chill dude.

People in the DMV drive crazy though. Worse than LA drivers.
Learned to to drive in the best driver state I’ve ever lived in, Michigan.

85 mph is normal, a foot of snow or more is normal, blizzards, rain, etc, etc...

The amount of violations I see on the road is truly beyond me. I wish I was a petty cop sometimes.
DMV drivers are the worst.

Sometimes I think I can be too comfortable driving.

I only use one hand and I know the streets I drive on like the back of my hand.

Rarely end up on unfamiliar roads which probably leads to being too comfortable.
Seems like I see more and more selfish drivers who don’t have a care in the world in regards to the safety of others. Erratic driving, texting, girls putting on their makeup while driving on the fwy. Then there’s this dbag. This was a few years ago at a shopping center parking structure in an upscale neighborhood. No surprise.

My driving skill is superior. I'm pretty convinced that trained athletes make higher skilled drivers.

Plus, my learning environment behind the wheel was demanding. If you can drive in East Oakland CA, you can drive anywhere.
One bozo in those lil tight goofy *** bodysuits can **** up the whole right lane with they nonsense. **** be making me mad


I was making a right turn one night at a major downtown intersection. I'm waiting for pedestrians to cross the street, it's clear and as soon as I accelerate a bit some dip**** on a bike comes from my LEFT side and cuts in front of me. I slam on the brakes but bump his rear tire. I'm just sitting there cussing.

This POS takes his bike and hits my I lost my mind. Threw the car in park and hopped out on dude ready to bank his head off the pavement. Dude so ***** made he started apologizing to me. I looked at my car, no damage. Told him get the **** outta my sight.

I'm always checking if one of these bozos is coming but they supposed to be on the right side by the curb. This ******* tried to pull a fast one and almost got killed :smh:
My driving skill is superior. I'm pretty convinced that trained athletes make higher skilled drivers.

Plus, my learning environment behind the wheel was demanding. If you can drive in East Oakland CA, you can drive anywhere.

I learned in Richmond and San Francisco. Being a Point Guard and Defensive back helps since we had to keep our on a swivel.
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