My NT Brethren- Are you a good driver?

I'm at the Uber hub waiting to get the beacon light joint

Been waiting about 10min, been 3 people they've told their accounts been banned cuz their ratings are too low. :lol: non driving ***
Suppress your ego.

Calm down.


Take your time.

This isn't a competition.

You know how you drive can be a serious issue for you and others.

Please do better
I don’t drive as a competition I just drive at speeds that I’m comfortable with and I know my car is comfortable with as well. My ego is never in question when driving, I’m not a teenager just weaving In and out for no reason, more or less I make lane changes when necessary that it’s, also won’t go out of the way to make a lane change that is dangerous.
He probably uses the shoulder when the highway is jammed up
Nah, never do that, I drive respectfully but just a little faster than average, most the time not really
Dude probably looks in his rearview and sees the cars behind him and thinks they're "gaining on him"

This ain't a race b. Take it easy
Never racing cars on my way to get to my destination unless I’m actually racing someone and it’s agreed upon between me and the other driver.

Y’all must think I’m some pimple face dweeb with my hands on the wheel thinking I’m Mario anderitti while driving. I’m actually very calm and comfortable when I drive as well as super safe keeping a 360 view of my surroundings.

I really want to see how some of y’all drive, because based on what some of you said, some of y’all are lying and are trash at driving but just don’t know it
I read all the posts in here this AM and just now was the first time I have driven since making this post. feel that after reading through all the responses, I’m much more critica now :lol:
Bruh, weaving in and out of traffic is a douche move. You aren’t saving any time.

By all means hit 140 on a wide open road I’m not mad at that. But weaving in and out of traffic in the city is wack.
Seen a guy driving yesterday, his wife's feeding him from a large take out tray as he's driving.

SOB signalled right then cut across two lanes to the left :smh:
I'm good...never had an accident or moving violation. I even dodged one of those dudes trying to get into a accident by cutting in front of you and slamming the brakes.. my bm was.scared as ****. Dude got out thinking I tapped him... we were like a half inch from colliding.

I drove in a blizzard from Boston to NYC... it took 8 hours but I made it with the whole fam... I seen about 20 beamers and 10 benzes spun out on the side while I made it in a dodge caravan..
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