NT Republican Thread

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Jul 16, 2017
Hello all

This thread is for NT republicans that want change in our great nation. We are sick and tired of the fake news media twisting our words.

Let’s keep it respectful and constructive. We have 5 weeks to help turn this country around and help me re-elect Donald Trump.

For the record I do not support his racist antics.

Moderators. Please allow this as I know this is a very left leaning forum. Merge into political thread if not allowed.
Hello all

This thread is for NT republicans that want change in our great nation. We are sick and tired of the fake news media twisting our words.

Let’s keep it respectful and constructive. We have 5 weeks to help turn this country around and help me re-elect Donald Trump.

For the record I do not support his racist antics.

Moderators. Please allow this as I know this is a very left leaning forum. Merge into political thread if not allowed.
I’ve always said that Trump can do better with his rhetoric, but I’m conflicted because Biden wrote the crime bill so I have no choice but to vote for Trump.......again.

If I were to see Trump perform a racist act on television I would change my vote. Please don’t try to change my mind by sending one of the very many videos of trump doing or saying racist things because it may make me sigh real deep.
I’ve always said that Trump can do better with his rhetoric, but I’m conflicted because Biden wrote the crime bill so I have no choice but to vote for Trump.......again.

If I were to see Trump perform a racist act on television I would change my vote. Please don’t try to change my mind by sending one of the very many videos of trump doing or saying racist things because it may make me sigh real deep.
Lol ok
Let's be honest, both sides are to blame for the state of America. If libs would do what they're supposed to do and play ball with the RIGHT side of the aisle, maybe we'd be in a better position, economically speaking. Guess we'll have to see how the low IQ Demoncrats deal with being triggered another 4 years while the Republicans struggle to carry them forward in the fight to beat China for creating the Chyna Flu. #TrumpBroughtBackFootball
You can be Republican and vote for Biden y’all know that right. You don’t need to vote for a racist tyrant who lies nonstop and has done nothing for the country.
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