70% of Divorces are filed by women. 90% of Child Custody cases are awarded to women.


This mindset could help

Competence and character of parents >>> *

If they’re high on both they will find a way to cover the spread.

That being said there are a lot of morons out there who buss nuts first and ask questions later.
And this is why picking out a parent for your child is super important cause if you get a ****ty person this is the type of **** you deal with 😒
Yup. Sounds like a convo my sister has had with her ex. He literally washes himself of all responsibility because he pays child support, very little mind you. He feels like he shouldn’t spend any money on his kids bday or Christmas. Sad.
Yup. Sounds like a convo my sister has had with her ex. He literally washes himself of all responsibility because he pays child support, very little mind you. He feels like he shouldn’t spend any money on his kids bday or Christmas. Sad.
I feel for her cause let me tell you it’s ****ty. The part that irks my soul the most is dude really thinks he’s the best dad in the whole world smh
I feel for her cause let me tell you it’s ****ty. The part that irks my soul the most is dude really thinks he’s the best dad in the whole world smh
I hate hearing that as well! :angry:
My sister used to show me all these social media posts where he would brag about how great a dad he is to his children....he won’t even bother to visit them unless my sister agrees to have sex with him (even though he’s currently married to someone else).
I hate hearing that as well! :angry:
My sister used to show me all these social media posts where he would brag about how great a dad he is to his children....he won’t even bother to visit them unless my sister agrees to have sex with him (even though he’s married to someone else).
Smh I’ve always said there’s a special place in hell for ****ty parents. I believe in karma and one day **** will catch up to him. All I can do is be the best mom to my kid and that’s it.
Smh I’ve always said there’s a special place in hell for ****ty parents. I believe in karma and one day **** will catch up to him. All I can do is be the best mom to my kid and that’s it.
Being a good mother is all that matters, let that guy continue to screw up. Time passes by so quickly...it won’t be long before he regrets his decisions.
They eventually shoot themselves in the foot when the kids grow up seeing them for who they truly are.
And this is why picking out a parent for your child is super important cause if you get a ****ty person this is the type of **** you deal with 😒
something led up to that “good for you” response.. homie must be having a bad day. Don’t take it personal.
something led up to that “good for you” response.. homie must be having a bad day. Don’t take it personal.
Homie is currently in his feels because I sent him to voicemail twice because I was in bed on a Sunday morning. Once I called back that’s when the attitude came. Like hold on my guy I am not your girl so relax
Homie is currently in his feels because I sent him to voicemail twice because I was in bed on a Sunday morning. Once I called back that’s when the attitude came. Like hold on my guy I am not your girl so relax
Why I thought you were happily married?
Dude replied more like the judgmental brother than a father.

2 ignored calls got him that salty and dismissive of his own child?

I really think he's bi polar.. all jokes aside sometimes he'll be normal and when we speak its fine other times he's like a completely different person for no apparent reason which is the main reason I try not to communicate with him.
Homie is currently in his feels because I sent him to voicemail twice because I was in bed on a Sunday morning. Once I called back that’s when the attitude came. Like hold on my guy I am not your girl so relax
when my kids mother is in her feels, I kinda de-stress her out with calm tone, logic humorous conversations, and good silence .. she’s manic depressive so I gotta be at my best and cool as fuh... 65-75% chance that the convo will go good.
at days end it’s all about the kids.. ask homie if he wants his kiddo to have ugly teeth. Kid will probably get picked on and have low self confidence which may lead to homelessness, thot life, self harm or becoming grandparents at an early age....
when my kids mother is in her feels, I kinda de-stress her out with calm tone, logic humorous conversations, and good silence .. she’s manic depressive so I gotta be at my best and cool as fuh... 65-75% chance that the convo will go good.
at days end it’s all about the kids.. ask homie if he wants his kiddo to have ugly teeth. Kid will probably get picked on and have low self confidence which may lead to homelessness, thot life, self harm or becoming grandparents at an early age....

Exactly it is really all about the kids in the end nothing more or less. I just am at the point that i am tired of dealing with dude. My kid is 11 and has her own cellphone like there is really nothing i need to communicate with you about. I always try to keep him included on stuff with our kid but if he doesn't know how to act then i just won't.
Exactly it is really all about the kids in the end nothing more or less. I just am at the point that i am tired of dealing with dude. My kid is 11 and has her own cellphone like there is really nothing i need to communicate with you about. I always try to keep him included on stuff with our kid but if he doesn't know how to act then i just won't.
Crazy how once upon a time we were in love with our kids other half and how things flip flop 180. Keep including him because kids always take mental notes.. it may hurt you but when kids hurt, we feel it 10X harder... visited my 10 yr old back in northern Cali the other day. Big ol hugged my kids mother and could hear my daughter super smile giggling with joy in the back 😞
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