70% of Divorces are filed by women. 90% of Child Custody cases are awarded to women.

I've learned a lot in this thread.

there's a lot of insight on how everyone feels about marriage personally, but how do you guys think being married or not being married affects your children?

I know many kids who had married parents. Turned out to be bums or altogether useless. I know kids from single parent homes that are flourishing. It’s really debatable
I know many kids who had married parents. Turned out to be bums or altogether useless. I know kids from single parent homes that are flourishing. It’s really debatable
So you believe it is a non-factor?
Saying THAT is a non-factor is like telling yourself size/reach is a non-factor in a fight.

SURE, there are examples of trash kids from 2 parent households.
SURE, there are examples of treasure kids from single parent households.

But generally speaking, having two parents typically puts a kid at an advantage.


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Had to quote this.

Essentially the bed that society has made needs to be slept in at this point.

For years mainstream society/media have been getting their rocks off putting men down and shaming them at every given turn. Men are made to feel worthless and losers if they aren’t star athletes, business innovators, or thought leaders all while the most average of woman was praised just for existing.

Even in the workplace, men are forced to take L’s. I remember someone on here said he used to work as a telephone line repair person or something like that. Said there were a few woman techs who refused to get up on high poles or down in dirty ditches cause “they didn’t feel comfortable”, but screened bloody murder when they weren’t getting the same pay/hours as the men who took all the assignments given them.

What does society expect men to do in the face of such open hostility? So many women have made a mockery of dating and marriage (I know men have too), but let’s not pretend like both sides get treated the same.

A lot of men have smartened up and realized that the risks may far outweigh the rewards of dealing with certain types of women.
Even in the workplace, men are forced to take L’s. I remember someone on here said he used to work as a telephone line repair person or something like that. Said there were a few woman techs who refused to get up on high poles or down in dirty ditches cause “they didn’t feel comfortable”, but screened bloody murder when they weren’t getting the same pay/hours as the men who took all the assignments given them.

Yea, not even sure how something like this can even be addressed; In terms of job assignments.
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Saying THAT is a non-factor is like telling yourself size/reach is a non-factor in a fight.

SURE, there are examples of trash kids from 2 parent households.
SURE, there are examples of treasure kids from single parent households.

But generally speaking, having two parents typically puts a kid at an advantage.

Sure it is an advantage. But the problem is that many people fool themselves into thinking it’s better for children if the parents stay in an unhealthy marriage. And the reality is that most marriages aren’t healthy given the levels of infidelity, domestic violence, divorce, etc in this country.

functional co-parents >>> dysfunctional parents.
I am certain that you are aware of the misogynistic content on this site, in the world actually.

I am grateful that someone would compare me to a woman. For others? It is indeed considered a slight.

Black women got Trump out of the white house. That is simply a sample size of the power they have.
I agree fam

women are amazing and not appreciated enough.
.... is she even in a monogamous relationship though? Is she married? People need to stop taking advice from any and everybody and learn on their own. At the end of the day, it’s all on you.
She makes sound points.

Not sure her status negates anything she said.

Yes, it is all on us but we all learn from others at some point. EVERYTHING isn't learned from experience.

But take all advice with a grain of salt but no need to be dismissive of it because of the person's status.

Info has no name on it
.... is she even in a monogamous relationship though? Is she married? People need to stop taking advice from any and everybody and learn on their own. At the end of the day, it’s all on you.

The truth don't care who tells it.

Lies don't care who believe them.

Ad hominem means “against the man,” and this type of fallacy is sometimes called name calling or the personal attack fallacy. This type of fallacy occurs when someone attacks the person instead of attacking his or her argument.
Yea, people say the same thing about Steve Harvey.

"Why would I take advice from a man that has been married 3 times."

I always say, WHY NOT? He has a level of experience that not many others, with his platform, have.

He clearly has made a lot of mistakes so why not view him as a potential wealth of info?

Again, take everything said with a grain of salt but why be dismissive?
Yea, people say the same thing about Steve Harvey.

"Why would I take advice from a man that has been married 3 times."

I always say, WHY NOT? He has a level of experience that not many others, with his platform, have.

He clearly has made a lot of mistakes so why not view him as a potential wealth of info?

Again, take everything said with a grain of salt but why be dismissive?

I don't like Steve Harvey at all and had to check myself but you're right...

Even a dumb *** drops a clever turd every now and again. (Fab voice).
A few years ago I came across mgtow videos and went down a crazy wormhole. I became very jaded and started to see negative traits in almost every woman. I'm sure some of you guys have seen the content. Be careful with the content you watch, be aware of who you are enough to know what content is good for you and what isn't.

At this point, I feel like I almost know too much. I've read all of The Rationale Male books. The content changed my life but idk if its for the better. One thing I am not is bitter. I have a better understanding of female nature. I don't take what they do personal. I understand it is a game and I need to play better.

The downside to me knowing too much is I can't allow myself to be blindly happy. I watch other couples that appear to be happy. Dudes be getting disrespected by their women, he's busting his *** for her happiness, and they legit believe sacrificing their happiness for hers means it's a great thing. Although I know better now, who am I to tell him he's looking at it the wrong way. As long as he's happy should it matter?

I don't think any negative story should stop me from getting married. It would just have to be the perfect situation for me. Is she responsible? Does she take accountability for her actions? Does she know how to fight (verbally without trying to disrespect you? How is she with finances? Is she fit and works out? Thoughts about prenups? Does she have a passion for anything outside of our relationship? Her relationship with her parents? Is she kind?

Despite the many bad stories we read about, there are a lot of good, quality people, we just gotta screen better. And if you know you got issues, work on yourself before you bring that bull**** to someone else and create another damaged person.
It was Maryland, in like 05. I dunno if the laws have changed though.

I think they were only dinging him so hard because he had fallen behind so much.
I know in MD it’s some law or something where the court can’t hit you with child support after a certain number of kids, think it’s 6...One dude round the way had like 8 at age 25 just to skip past them payments :lol: :smh:

The laws need some overhaul, a lot of it doesn’t make sense or is designed for chaos
A few years ago I came across mgtow videos and went down a crazy wormhole. I became very jaded and started to see negative traits in almost every woman. I'm sure some of you guys have seen the content. Be careful with the content you watch, be aware of who you are enough to know what content is good for you and what isn't.

At this point, I feel like I almost know too much. I've read all of The Rationale Male books. The content changed my life but idk if its for the better. One thing I am not is bitter. I have a better understanding of female nature. I don't take what they do personal. I understand it is a game and I need to play better.

The downside to me knowing too much is I can't allow myself to be blindly happy. I watch other couples that appear to be happy. Dudes be getting disrespected by their women, he's busting his *** for her happiness, and they legit believe sacrificing their happiness for hers means it's a great thing. Although I know better now, who am I to tell him he's looking at it the wrong way. As long as he's happy should it matter?

I don't think any negative story should stop me from getting married. It would just have to be the perfect situation for me. Is she responsible? Does she take accountability for her actions? Does she know how to fight (verbally without trying to disrespect you? How is she with finances? Is she fit and works out? Thoughts about prenups? Does she have a passion for anything outside of our relationship? Her relationship with her parents? Is she kind?

Despite the many bad stories we read about, there are a lot of good, quality people, we just gotta screen better. And if you know you got issues, work on yourself before you bring that bull**** to someone else and create another damaged person.
what would bethe next rational step?

looking to marry a man? it is legal nowadays
quality post. Im married. Hit 3 years in September. been dating since 09. We have a great relationship. I cant for sure say we will be together forever, but I honestly dont see us ever splitting up. We get along just that well. But your line "I don’t think there is any benefit to marriage that you can’t get out of being in a long term committed relationship" really stuck out to me because I feel the same way, and my friends who are single or about to get married look at me crazy when I give them this advice. If I could do it over I probably wouldnt have gotten married so young. (Im 32, got married at 28) Or I probably wouldnt get married at all. I feel you can easily navigate through life with another person without having to fall into the pressures of weddings and titles.
The wild thing is how most of the pressure comes from outside the relationship but folks still give into it :smh:
quality post. Im married. Hit 3 years in September. been dating since 09. We have a great relationship. I cant for sure say we will be together forever, but I honestly dont see us ever splitting up. We get along just that well. But your line "I don’t think there is any benefit to marriage that you can’t get out of being in a long term committed relationship" really stuck out to me because I feel the same way, and my friends who are single or about to get married look at me crazy when I give them this advice. If I could do it over I probably wouldnt have gotten married so young. (Im 32, got married at 28) Or I probably wouldnt get married at all. I feel you can easily navigate through life with another person without having to fall into the pressures of weddings and titles.

Yea YOU can feel like that but SHE will be pressured by society/friends/family and as a result, YOU feel that pressure.

It takes a different type of woman to want to "put up" with that.

I feel you 100% though.
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