808s & Heartbreak Appreciation Thread vol. Say You Will > You

Hated it when it first dropped, but a couple of months ago I gave it a chance and I would say it's a good album.

Street Lights > *
Originally Posted by lilfeet47

Did Cudi write street lights? I can't help but to hear cudi when i listen to the track
Written by Esthero, Tony Williams, and Mr. Hudson

and Kanye of course

This album was definitely slept-on. The production was as hot as anything I've heard from your "typical hip-hop" artist in a long time.
I was going through rough times around March-April. This cd def. helped lift my spirits. Much appreciated
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

Classic, should've went Diamond.

"Love Lockdown" might be the most awesome song selected as a single in our generation.
^1st thought to come to mind when I first hear that song.

Speaking of that song, the Heartless/Pinocchio story mix from the SNL performace was great.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

The live VH1 version of "Robocop" > album version.

That's not really saying much at all. All Ye tracks live pretty much %&^ on the CD version of them.

Some of this dude's mixes to his songs have me
Street Lights is one of the most underrated songs in recent years. Throwing that song on when I'm in bed about to go to sleep = heaven.

Coldest Winter is another song that is just outstanding that doesn't get enough love. Maybe its because of the Tears For Fears song? I dunno, butKanye's version is incredible.

I loved this album from day 1, but I remember EVERYONE hating on it when it dropped
Originally Posted by henz0

Say you will & Welcome to Heartbreak

My favorite tracks on the album too

musically/production wise this album is near flawless, but I didn't really rock with it as much because of the subject matter. I just wasn't in THATmood at all at the time it came out

Like i said though, musically/production wise this is outstanding
speaking of this album...did anyone cop the KAWS cover version? can't seem to find it anywhere
welcome to heartbreak
, when the beat drops it gives me goosebumps...prob one of my favorite songs ever, and probably my favorite kanye song.

no no no noooo, i can't stop!!!
Originally Posted by acidicality

welcome to heartbreak
, when the beat drops it gives me goosebumps...prob one of my favorite songs ever, and probably my favorite kanye song.

no no no noooo, i can't stop!!!

Word. The beat is absolutely chilling.
street lights of course. but do yall realize he says like the same 4 bars throughout the whole song lmao

still crack
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