9 year old girl dies after being forced to run for 3 hrs for lying about eating candy bars...SMDH

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

You are one of the most incoherent fools on this board, but yet you want to get on folks about their intellect and whether or not they graduated school?


She was forced to run 3 hours - fact.

Authorities say 9-year-old Savannah Hardin died after being forced to run for three hours as punishment for having lied to her grandmother about eating candy bars.


She died as a result of dehydration (which was obviously the result of running) - fact.

Severely dehydrated, the girl had a seizure and died days later.


Witnesses told deputies that Savannah was told to run and not allowed to stop for three hours on Friday, an Etowah County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman said


Again...I'll take their word over what your simple #@+ has to say.

and usa is wrong they dont even have the city right.. and it says she was told again tell me where it said SHE DID......

if your parents were in the house and they told you to run three hours str8 in your neighborhood and you did it your an idiot

yes she died from that but it wasnt from the run the paper said in all the years she has been there she has NEVER seen the kids outside...
you dont think this has anything to do with this...

I dont care what she was told no child can run that long, no average person can run that long that is a fact... the girl probably cut the corner a few times and stop etc light jogged etc... 

but then again these the same ppl who said oh we dont even no whether she ate or not and it was on a friday AFTER SCHOOL

i dont know what 79 cent a day refugee camp countries some of yall came from but here in the usa our schools serve food so why would anyone say hey i wonder if she had anything to eat
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