___TI pleading guilty___v. SMH


So spread your rumors, kick all ya lil dumb +$%%.
Tell lies - laugh bout the time that I'm gon get.
If it make you feel better, picture me over and done with.
Punk %$!%! come with all the gossip you can come with!!!
Small thing to a giant - I can overcome this.
Jail? I dun done this.
Rap, I'm just havin' fun with....

Who's laughin' at his Black lawyer now?

N' just Clay Davis'ed Atlanta.


So I'm at work and I read this whole thread. And now I know some dudes really let there love for an artist cloud their mind.Smh

The people making the argument that he snitched brought so much info. Only thing they couldnt explain was who he snitched on.

And the only thing people who said he didn't snitch could say was, who did he snitch on?

This man is a 3x felon caught with a silencer f the guns, he got caught trying to buy a SILENCER! And only got a year with CS. I really don't think a lotof you know how serious that is. What are these great lawyers going to say " he really wasn't going to buy it, he was just window shopping?" letsbe serious people.
this %!$** disgusting-

i didnt even wanna reply anymore but dudes are twisting things all over so here it is- i was gonna quote by quote of peoples replies but i'll just stick totopics

Community service-
This dude is a gangster rapper who got caught with multiple illegal guns...the most he can preach to kids is don't get caught....there was no life changingevent where he accidentally shot a family member or something...the thing that prevented TI from having even more of a stockpile in his walk in safe was thefact that he got caught- realistically as a judge would you give him the sentence?

Money fines-
i see dude saying that they just wanted him to give up money...if thats the case why didnt they even max out his fines? it was something like 250k per right?the feds dont get the $ he paid to the lawyer...and the bail gets returned in most cases...are yall suggesting there were secret bribes?
cmon now

this just goes to show how some of yall minds are not on track....theanswer is ANYBODY....its been said a million times it doesnt have to be about THIS case....he could give up ANYTHING...if they think its worthwhile he has adeal....or maybe he didn't give up anybody yet...maybe they want him out there collecting info and feeding them...

Plea negotioation-
your absolutely right....its a negotiation....in this case what did TI have to give? its a back and forth thing...and most of the time they want you to plea sothey dont waste the money going to trial....in this case they would LOVE to go to court....its open and shut caught redhanded....Gangster rapper buying up gunsvs Feds...the papers would have a field day...hip hop cops would prob get more funding....rap takes another blow...rappers hopefully get scared and calmdown...etc etc ...you have to think it is exactly a negotiation and in a negotiation theres give and take...what did TI give? oh i'll go talk to thekids... yea ok

im typing way to much but threads like this get me
....to see all these NT "gangsters"and "thugs" talking ridiculous....the thing is nowhere did i say it was DEFINITE that he snitched that would be silly, i have no proof just abizarre sentence and a gut instinct - but at the same time for you guys saying he definitely didnt is stupid...do you know this man? do you know whats it feelslike to be facing what he was? you know what he raps about and thats about it

i dont know if some of yall are blinded by his lyrics, or just watch too many movies and think this is another win for the badguys....personally i think TI is stupid, should he spend 25 in the box and be away from his kids fam and career ? hell no...my stance on guns and how i wasraised is that its better to be caught with them than without them so dont think im some anti gun dude....but at the same time theres ways to insulateyourself from trouble when your a "boss" and a "king" worth millions...
The funny thing is this....
Everyone wants to label TIP a snitch.....with no proof, no evidence, not even a good idea of who he can snitch on.

{Jayz} I thought this was america people {/Jayz}

So he's a snitch until proven otherwise, which you prolly will never know.

And I can tell some of ya'll aint no street dudes....if TIP been a snitch all along, tell me how he's alive at 27?
The type of charges dude has went down for, and the time he already has served....he should been have given up some names.....and working with the fedsisn't a one time thing....he wouldn't be in THIS situation right now, if he was an Informant.

{Curtis} Buck stabbing %$+%@% on camera and its ok....cuz my money make my lawyer make it go away, attempted murder....only a year on probation {/Curtis}

What do ya'll not get about money being the ticket out of anything.....the system is designed to be fair....you're an idiot if you think thatanyway....

How many rappers/celebs have you seen actually serve jail time for a crime that if an average man commits he would go down for.
Busta, Game, Yayo, Juelz, Wayne (actually lil wayne's lawyer is based in atlanta, he has one of the lawyers under the umbrella im in)

I mean Freeky Zeeky did 3, and people still say he snitched.... Smh

This thread has me to understand that

A. People don't know what snitching is

B. Ya'll listen to too much music

C. people are idiots.
Originally Posted by Infyrno23

The funny thing is this....
Everyone wants to label TIP a snitch.....with no proof, no evidence, not even a good idea of who he can snitch on.

{Jayz} I thought this was america people {/Jayz}

So he's a snitch until proven otherwise, which you prolly will never know.

And I can tell some of ya'll aint no street dudes....if TIP been a snitch all along, tell me how he's alive at 27?
The type of charges dude has went down for, and the time he already has served....he should been have given up some names.....and working with the feds isn't a one time thing....he wouldn't be in THIS situation right now, if he was an Informant.

{Curtis} Buck stabbing %$+%@% on camera and its ok....cuz my money make my lawyer make it go away, attempted murder....only a year on probation {/Curtis}

What do ya'll not get about money being the ticket out of anything.....the system is designed to be fair....you're an idiot if you think that anyway....

How many rappers/celebs have you seen actually serve jail time for a crime that if an average man commits he would go down for.
Busta, Game, Yayo, Juelz, Wayne (actually lil wayne's lawyer is based in atlanta, he has one of the lawyers under the umbrella im in)

I mean Freeky Zeeky did 3, and people still say he snitched.... Smh

This thread has me to understand that

A. People don't know what snitching is

B. Ya'll listen to too much music

C. people are idiots.

the funny thing is change a few words and your argument works for the other side-

did someone here says he was a snitch all along? and them other cases were smaller and old if i'm not mistaken...a 20yr fed bid at this point in hislife is alot different....but like you said theres no proof either way...i wouldn't call him a definite snitch the same way i wouldnt be sure in saying hismoney got him off...

its also kind of dumb to compare TIs case to those others but thats another story i guess...alot of people think the same rules apply across the board... docrime- get arrested- pay alot of money- get off....yea ok...hopefully you never have to deal with it


This thread has ME to understand that

A. People don't know what the feds coming after you is nor what an open/shut case is

B. Ya'll listen to too much music

C. people are idiots.
i'm officially done with this thread...i've said my part...nobody can deny what i said here is the truth...i didnt sayanything was definite either way with nothing to back it up...

last thing...if this was the state of Georgia vs clifford - you guys make alot of valid points...BUT its the Federal Govt Vs TI.....if you don't see adifference then theres no talking to you
ain't no way he only gettin 1 year...some of that info HAS to be wrong...

a random dude could get close to a year for an illegal pistol charge with no priors...T.I. is a convicted felon who tried to buy machine guns and SILENCERS.

And compare this charge to Michael Vick and Martha Stewart (who probably got more money than T.I.)...ain't no way he doin the same sentence as them, nomatter WHO he might've snitched on...doesn't make sense
I've read every word of this thread and it BEFUDDLES me how some of you peasants could argue against Kingtre anddoyung9...I was about to quote one of his earlier posts and just say "real talk" but I had a feeling thiswent to 9 pages because fools would think that T.I. didn't do some informing, and low and behold.....

They listed facts, presented the argument in a very clear manner, broke it down for those who are too stupid/ignorant/naive to understand the situation, had acounter for everything being said, etc...and there's STILL people...who think T.I. didn't sing to the feds.

, and
to the people who tried to take it to the "WELL, YOU WOULDSNITCH TOO IF IT HAPPENED TO YOU!!!!!111!!"...who was talking about that? no one was arguing about it to start it off...some of y'all n_'s justcome into threads and blurt out w/e comes across your feeble minds without reading the posts before yours...


I love NT but I don't love some of you. (no Laney)
Originally Posted by DSK aka iLLoQuent

I've read every word of this thread and it BEFUDDLES me how some of you peasants could argue against Kingtre and doyung9...I was about to quote one of his earlier posts and just say "real talk" but I had a feeling this went to 9 pages because fools would think that T.I. didn't do some informing, and low and behold.....

They listed facts, presented the argument in a very clear manner, broke it down for those who are too stupid/ignorant/naive to understand the situation, had a counter for everything being said, etc...and there's STILL people...who think T.I. didn't sing to the feds.

, and
to the people who tried to take it to the "WELL, YOU WOULD SNITCH TOO IF IT HAPPENED TO YOU!!!!!111!!"...who was talking about that? no one was arguing about it to start it off...some of y'all n_'s just come into threads and blurt out w/e comes across your feeble minds without reading the posts before yours...


I love NT but I don't love some of you. (no Laney)

My dude...not saying you right or wrong either way....Personally I dont give a _. Sh&* don't affect me or mine so it really don't matter tome...but you getting uptight like you was in the court room transcribing and videotaping dudes statements..

None of us know what went down for sure...so how you so certain that your opinon ain't worthless but everone elses is?
^my fault, sarcasm/trying to get n's heated was my aim with the post...

wasn't referring to you but there are certain individuals that should take note because i do mean what i said about Kingtre and doyung9 being right...
When he was arrested by federal agents, Harris was found with marijuana. He told agents the marijuana was his and that he smoked it to get ready for the BET awards show, Assistant U.S. Attorney Todd Alley said during an October bond hearing.

I don't know where to
T.I. gets only a year & Vick gets 2 years
@ the legal system
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