A few reasons why clubs suck

Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

I'd rather just chill outside with my people with a cup of something good and just chill. Say what up to people walking by, kick some freestyles with the homies when the fluid kicks in, make some drunk calls, and who knows maybe even have a shawty come threw later. That's the perfect night.

I'm not a hype person like that anyways. I like to just vibe.
I can count the number of times I've attended clubs on one hand. I've tried to get into it, but I realized it just really wasn't for me. Havingdudes trying to grope on you and stalking you after you've danced with them a couple of times is not my idea of a good time. I officially gave up after onedude came up to dance with me and whispered in my ear with his hot *$* breath and the creepiest look in his eyes, "Do you want me to freak you?" Uh,no thanks. I'd much rather just chill with a couple of my good friends or my boyfriend.
Clubs are truly the devil. I am never down to go to the club, I am usually persuaded to go there when I'm buzzed and like whatever, $%@# it, I'll go.And then I get there and there's a bunch of Guido-looking wannabes with their hair all blown out or gelled up. And like a couple of people alreadymentioned, straight grilling everyone that walks by or in their line of sight.

Bars are more my thing for sure, but they can also be overrated.
I go to the club about twice a month the trick is to get them JOs numbers in the parking lot
screw going in
gabbyflo wrote:
I can count the number of times I've attended clubs on one hand. I've tried to get into it, but I realized it just really wasn't for me. Having dudes trying to grope on you and stalking you after you've danced with them a couple of times is not my idea of a good time. I officially gave up after one dude came up to dance with me and whispered in my ear with his hot *$* breath and the creepiest look in his eyes, "Do you want me to freak you?" Uh, no thanks. I'd much rather just chill with a couple of my good friends or my boyfriend.
Shut yo sexy !+* up.
Originally Posted by gabbyflo

I can count the number of times I've attended clubs on one hand. I've tried to get into it, but I realized it just really wasn't for me. Having dudes trying to grope on you and stalking you after you've danced with them a couple of times is not my idea of a good time. I officially gave up after one dude came up to dance with me and whispered in my ear with his hot *$* breath and the creepiest look in his eyes, "Do you want me to freak you?" Uh, no thanks. I'd much rather just chill with a couple of my good friends or my boyfriend.

Is that you in the avy if so
To the OP it just sounds like you need to try out diffrent type of places , try going to a place where theres a dress code that might increse your chances offinding a nice chick insted of another little hood rat . Drinks just leave a tip and they dont water down your drinks or buy a beer they cant mess that up ,and please dont go to the saem place all the time
i saw a dude pissing in a trashcan instead of standing in line for the bathroom the last time i went to the club
i feel what youre saying... but the thing is i dont have a real job and i live in la, so the only thing to really do is go clubbing or go to a bar.... I loveit, wake up at 5 in the afternoon, make a website for a client, then go out in hollywood, get out at 2am, which sucks, go eat, get home at 4, do some more webstuff, sleep, do it again... but it is getting kind of dull i admit, i might start going to another city....
lames always tryin to start something at the club.
like %$+? we are hereto get at chix you idiots.
I stopped when I was 17-18. It just bored me after a while.
I might give it a try in July when I'm 21. I don't drink or anything, but I know they have some good grown folks clubs here in the ATL with the type ofmusic I like.
I don't know if I could make a habit of it though. Maybe jazz lounges or a nice comedy club every once in a while.
maybe EVERY NOW AND THEN... used to be a every weekend thing tho..

!%+# is just weak now.. you can pick up hos in traffic or at the store or somethin,

@%%@#%! at the clubs like ugghhh
lol at people complaining bout clubs and aren't even 21 and over

I'm not really big into clubs, but Vegas clubs and clubs outside of the united states are really good
i go every now n then, i have fun, drink, get a lil ya meen n call it a night
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