A few reasons why clubs suck

Clubbing is clubbing no matter where you're at. I'm getting kind of tired of it myself.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

I am only 20 years old, and I think my clubbing days are over. Women are worthy don't even go by the time they reach 20. All that was posted was on point.

im 18, still going on occasion only...ex friends birthday
some women are worthy though....

i stay in the vip section
Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

I'm 19 and I've never been to the club, it doesn't seem like my scene. I'd rather just chill outside with my people with a cup of something good and just chill. Say what up to people walking by, kick some freestyles with the homies when the fluid kicks in, make some drunk calls, and who knows maybe even have a shawty come threw later. That's the perfect night.

I agree with everything the OP said

I'd rather parkin lot pimp
I can buy my own bottle for cheap

I'm only in there 4 find a smeeze, I can wait till she comes out

I got music in the car
to say all clubs suck is a joke

there are many a clubs that POP and there are clubs that are
, just like with bars and lounges. college age dudes in here who hang out with college age people saying that theyre too old for the club makes no sense to me
nah bro i love goin to clubs..maybe bcuz i dont go all the time..i dont go to hood clubs tho

i usually go to lounges tho...
Co sign.. I been going to clubs since I was 14 I honestly have fun more goon out with a group of friends or my girl to the movies.. Another one to add is whenyou go to the club with wifey and she is bad your gonna be public enemy #1 dudes is really mad.. Smh at me having to deal
With this tonight actually
I agree with the OP almost 100%.

It is too repetitive...it's good once in a while but some people do it 3x a week every single week

I dont drink so that might be the problem...anyways...being drunk (and not being able to control yourself) doesn't appealing to me.
you suppose to fight at that age... not all the time but a few scuffles comes along with manhood inside the club... i done fought plenty of times in the cluband bagged broads five times over... its something cats go through 18-22 or 23 ..... I dont club like no more, 26 btw but when I do go Im looking to bag achick or have a good time... if the music is wack, talk to every chick until you pull something...lol
I've never been to a club... it just seems !#@#+!@ wack. Just a bunch of people that are trying too hard.

I see these pics on Facebook from "the club
" and I just laugh.
house parties are great because you actually network with people

clubs is a place where desperate people go try to bag chicks whom 90% of the time are jail baits.

and they make ridiculous rules, all female 18+ goes in for free. All male must be 21+ and pay for the entrance fee.

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my stripper girl game proper cuz my wife game proper. my wife game propper cuz my mistress game propper. if you think im gettin caight thats a big uh ah
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